Thursday, August 2, 2012

Mayor Bloomberg: A boob by any other name....

This would be funny if it weren’t so sad…or scary. If you want to know what life would look under those progressive do-gooders that seem to be permeating the fabric of our life, look no farther than New York City. Mayor Bloomberg is in his third term. Maybe he has gotten older and is getting daft. Maybe he believes his own propaganda and has decided that while Mayor is good, dictator is better. Or maybe he is the poster child for whack job extreme progressives who truly believe they know what’s best for you.

The latest in his string of edicts is that women who give birth in New York Hospitals will be lectured on the virtues of breast feeding and be allowed formula only if there is “medical reason” for it. What? He has gone from cigarettes to trans-fats to prohibiting giving food to the poor outside of a city agency to removing salt shakers from tables to banning Big Gulps and now to baby formula. Mayor Bloomberg has now entered the wonderful world of child birth and rearing, deciding in his eternal and infinite wisdom that he knows what’s best for you….and you better do it or else.

What is even more amazing is that New Yorkers appear to be dutifully lining up behind him nodding their head in agreement. What is Bloomberg’s vendetta against modern life? Perhaps he would like to ban the size of hamburgers next, or perhaps have you drink tea instead of coffee. And by the way, those of us who are baby boomers were not breast fed, and we have done fine….Thank you very much.

Here’s the plain truth. He is a nut case with an oral fetish that is coming out wrapped in some sort of warped napoleon complex. He is the textbook case for term limits which the NYC changed to allow him a third term.

This is American progressivism at its worst. It isn’t funny. This is serious business. Do you want government making these types of decisions for you? Are you ready to relinquish your freedom to a bunch of whack jobs that are, at the end of the day, nothing but thugs and bullies who just like to shove people around?

People are being shot to death in the street. The NYC school system is on the verge of collapse. Businesses are deserting NYC in droves. And he is worried about baby formula? And what about his fellow mayors in Chicago and Boston and Washington DC who have decided that only those who agree with them politically can get building permits? Do you have to pass a “politically correct” litmus test to sell chicken sandwiches?

These political litmus tests are dangerous.  If you are Condi Rice, you are not black enough.  If you are Clarence Thomas, you are not black enough.  If you are Sarah Palin, you are not woman enough.  And if you don't breast feed, you are not mother enough.  Bull!!!!

America, you better wake up, and wake up fast. If you don’t think it can happen to you, think again. The speed by which we are losing our basic freedoms is increasing. This is dangerous stuff. This is what they do in Communist China. Bloomberg and politicians like Bloomberg need to go, and go now. We are running out of time.

Meanwhile, Mayor Bloomberg, grow yourself a pair and go breast feed yourself.  

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