Thursday, August 23, 2012

A Broken Press

The American press has failed America. As I watch them “vet” Romney and Ryan, I wonder where they have been for the last 5 years slobbering all over Barack Obama. While screaming for Mitt Romney’s tax returns, the press failed and continues to fail asking even the most miniscule question relating to Obama’s background. His relationships with terrorists, radical preachers, and extreme left wing thinkers are left unchallenged. The dirty middle of the night politics while passing Obamacare were ignored. His miserable economic record is all but ignored…and his discarding white male blue collar voters is appalling is probably the least reported political story of the year. And he really should release his school records. 

The press climbed into bed with Barack four years ago and has been there ever since. He is wise beyond all of us. He is charismatic more than any of us. He has insights into a utopian world none of us can see. In reality, he is a Chicago thug who is an intellectual light weight. I used to think he was a devious genius. I changed my mind. He is an empty suit.

Unfortunately for us, Obama is betting on an uninformed electorate and a press that is willing to deliver his message. Two journalistic events of note this past week criticized the press. Mark Halperin, the liberal editor of Time Magazine, stated the press is more than willing to do Obama’s bidding. And Newsweek Magazine, on death’s door as it ceases print publication, featured a cover article about how it’s time for Obama to go, this after asking about Romney’s wimp factor several weeks ago. Where did that come from? The liberal Newsweek editor quickly disavowed the story his magazine ran as shoddy journalism. Huh?

Watching the press is like watching the Keystone Cops. True investigative journalism is dead. People don’t know about Fast and Furious other than as a movie title. People don’t know about the crony deals Obama made to the benefit of his political friends costing the taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars. People don’t know that Obama looked into the camera and lied to the public during the Obamacare debate claiming you can keep your health care plan if you like it. It was a lie. He knew it. The press refused to cover it.

I am not sure what this infatuation is. They have to look around and see things aren’t good. They have to notice the gas prices. They have to notice the unemployment rate. They have to notice young adults moving back home with Mom and Dad saddled with student debt and no job prospects.

Or not! These folks live in a bubble. They only talk to each other in New York, Washington, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Atlanta. They can’t be bothered with the rest of the country. My favorite story is the journalist who expressed surprise when George Bush beat John Kerry. She said she didn’t know anybody who voted for Bush. Exactly my point.

So now the press is carrying on Obama’s story about Romney’s war on women; Romney’s war on seniors; Romney’s war on the environment; Romney’s war on unions; Romney’s war on immigrants. Is there anything out there Romney is not at war with? The press is nuts.

At the end of the day, as the election approaches, the American public will finally ask the only question that counts: are you better off now than four years ago. And if they truthfully answer the question, maybe then they will turn the press off.

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