Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Who is Running the Store?

I continually say that I am absolutely stunned about what I am seeing in Washington. Barack Obama ran for president as a centrist, promising to heal the divisions in the country and to work together. What we got was a left wing partisan who hasn’t had a Republican to the White House since April, and has talked to his Commander in Afghanistan just once in the last 70 days. While he has been out traipsing around the country giving speech after speech after speech, General McChrystal requested 40,000 additional troops for Afghanistan (remember, this was the war that should have been fought according to Obama during the campaign). The request was shelved after Obama said he had to formulate a policy. What the hell has he been doing the past 8 months?

As our foreign policy collapses around us, Obama the Savior has appeared on David Letterman, gave inspiration to the good for nothing United Nations, shut down our missile defense system in eastern Europe, gave a pep talk to his union buddies, and denied he had any knowledge of the problems at Acorn. But in the most stunning, and most idiotic thing I have ever seen a politician do, he decides to go to Copenhagen to pitch for the Olympics going to Chicago. My God!!! The troops are dying in the field, his general says the situation is urgent and critical, and Obama goes to Copenhagen to pitch for the Olympics?

Who is running the show? I have come to conclusion that isn’t Barack Obama. His public appearance schedule speaks volumes about how much of his time he spending studying the issues and formulating policy. Any remaining doubt in my mind that he is an empty suit fronting for someone or something else has been removed. He feels he can go to Copenhagen because someone else is making the decisions. All he has to do is sign the Congressional bills and make a speech. HE SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF HIMSELF.

I am not sure to whom he has abdicated his responsibilities. I suspect it isn’t any one person. I believe there is a core group of ultra left wing radical libs who are determining policy and telling Obama what to do. He has caved to EVERY left wing demand his party has made of him notwithstanding the gross unpopularity of his administration’s policies. Included in the group are most likely George Soros, Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Rahm Emanuel, John Podesta, his chief of staff w/Acorn ties, and various people located in groups like Acorn. These folks are of a like mind, and have fronted Obama in order to achieve they’re radical agenda.

I believe that Obama has very little say or influence on the policies of this country. He is the spoonful of sugar to help make the left wing Socialist medicine go down. My only question is how long will he remain passive to the demands of his left wing base. I suppose whether he grows a pair, so to speak, will depend just how much he likes being President and its attendant perks.

He only needs to look the Europeans that he emulates to learn that those he admired are no longer there. Europe has wised up, and has lurched to the right in France, in Germany, and soon in Great Britain. Germany in particular has made a major shift to the right in its elections this past week. All of Eastern Europe is staunchly right wing. Obama will have to realize that this is the fate that awaits him if he keeps on his current path. Americans are a patient people, but patience is rapidly running out.

In the meantime, midst his appearances on David Letterman, his boogying off the stage at the Black Congressional Caucus dinner, and his trip to Copenhagen, I hope finds time to address issues of Iran and Afghanistan. Our lives depend on it

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Mea Culpobama and the Royal I

For all of you non-Catholics, the confession part of the old Latin Mass says “Mea Culpa; Mea Culpa: Mea Maxima Culpa.” I have sinned “through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault.” Of course, in good Catholic fashion, one beats one's chest three times in sync with the words.

But now it has new meaning: Mea Culpobama. Once more into the breach, our stellar president addressed the United Nations yesterday beating his chest, apologizing for America’s faults. Then he waived the Kum Ba Yah flag saying:

“Responsibility and leadership in the 21st century demand more. In an era when our destiny is shared, power is no longer a zero sum game. No one nation can or should try to dominate another nation. No world order that elevates one nation or group of people over another will succeed. No balance of power among nations will hold. The traditional division between nations of the south and north makes no sense in an interconnected world. Nor do alignments of nations rooted in the cleavages of a long gone Cold War.”

In well fell swoop, he dissed NATO, the European Union, the Organization of American States, our alliances with Japan and South Korea, all the while letting know the dictators in Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, and our "frienemies" Russia and China, and any other rogue state, that we will not impose our will on them. Shout Glory to God and Hallelujah. We have seen the light!!

Couple this with his throwing Israel under the bus, and former Jimmy Carter’s national security advisor, and ardent Obama supporter Zbigniew Brzezinski, stating the United States should shoot down Israeli planes flying over Iraq in any possible raid on Iran, we should all just feel all cuddly and warm inside.

There is no doubt in my mind that Barack Obama is clueless, naïve, and is basing his foreign policy not on reality, but rather his Pollyanna view of the world. This might be based in a basic ignorance of foreign policy and his inexperience. But I suspect it is rooted in a narcissism rooted in his elite ideology based on his superior world view. His speech basically told the world to ignore all the bad things the United States did over the past 60 years; look at what he did the last 9 months. And he used the word “I” a lot.

I come before you humbled by the responsibility that the American people have placed upon me; mindful of the enormous challenges of our moment in history; and determined to act boldly and collectively on behalf of justice and prosperity at home and abroad.

I am well aware of the expectations that accompany my presidency around the world.

I took office at a time when many around the world had come to view America with skepticism and distrust.

I have carried this message from London to Ankara; from Port of Spain to Moscow; from Accra to Cairo.

I prohibited - without exception or equivocation - the use of torture by the United States of America.

I ordered the prison at Guantanamo Bay closed, and we are doing the hard work of forging a framework to combat extremism within the rule of law.

I have outlined a comprehensive agenda to seek the goal of a world without nuclear weapons.

I appointed a Special Envoy for Middle East Peace.

I will also continue to seek a just and lasting peace between Israel, Palestine, and the Arab world.

Well, you get the picture. It must be wonderful to him. After he went through his personal litany of accomplishments, he did tell the world that it will have to step up to the plate and carry some of the water for world peace. But at the end of the day, that isn’t going to happen. The weakness demonstrated in this speech is dangerous, especially after scrapping the defensive missile program to be located Poland and the Czech Republic, and equivocating on troops in Afghanistan.

The number one rule of political science is that a power vacuum is always filled. Obama is digging us into a black hole. In the meantime, while he is digging the hole, do you think he can swap his royal "I" with the royal "we"? I am just being overcome by my awe of his greatness, and need to collect myself.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Losing Precious Freedom

I have written several times about the preciousness of freedom. It is a gift, and we are its caretakers. Never in my lifetime did I ever think I would witness what I am seeing today. If there was any doubt in my mind that our democracy is in more peril today than at any time in our history, it has been removed by numerous things that I have seen this past week. The disdain that this administrations and its allies have for the American people is growing by the day, and they are emboldened to the point that we should be taking serious notice. It is insidious, and these folks are playing for keeps.

1) Andrea Mitchell, commenting last week on NBC news about the recent the tea party events, said that our “system” has provided a “mechanism” by which “these people” can “communicate” with each other. I guess I am one of “these” people.

2) CNN had little coverage of the march on Washington on September 12. What they did cover was an examination of the “dark undercurrents” of the event. And folks, the anchor and news reporter wouldn’t let it go. I have witnessed radical protests since I was 16 year old mostly staged by the whacky left…and these folks were the walking definition of “dark undercurrents.” Is CNN serious?

3) An article in the New Yorker magazine this past week, written by Hendrik Hertzberg, stated: “This sort of lunatic paranoia—touched with populism, nativism, racism, and anti-intellectualism—has long been a feature of the fringe, especially during times of economic bewilderment.” So over a 400,000 people marching on Washington are suffering from “lunatic paranoia”?

4) Tom Friedman, a respected New York Times columnist, wrote an editorial last Wednesday extolling the virtues of the Chinese autocracy, and how this system of government “…is led by a reasonably enlightened group of people.” Then he pretty much ripped the United States system of government apart.

5) The participants in last Saturday’s march on Washington was populated by regular folks like you and me. There was NO mention of it on ABC, CBS, or NBC except as passing aside to commentary relating to other issues. CNN had a small report, and was derogatory in its tone. If any of you saw the aerial shots of the crowd, you can easily reach a figure between 400,000 – 500,000 if not more, not to mention the many hometown rallies like the one in Columbiana which was attended by more than 800 people on a Saturday afternoon. If this group of people were protesting against the war or marching for black rights or gay rights or feminist rights, you can be sure the coverage would have been wall to wall for days. Instead the media chose do to something I have never seen before…they deliberately ignored a major story for overtly political purposes.

There is a sickness growing in this country based on intellectuals drunk on power. Those who are in charge are either in denial as to how serious the country’s unrest is becoming, or simply don’t care believing we are too stupid to acknowledge their elitist, intellectual superiority.

The media's behavior is frightening. It is becoming increasingly clear that these folks are infatuated with dictatorship, or are so far in bed with Barack Obama’s narrative that they are willing to sacrifice their principles. It scares me, and it should scare you. Any student of history will tell you that from Obama’s shadow government, to his cult of personality, to his rhetorical skills, to his making side deals with the business and the media and takeover of major segments of the economy, to his emphasis on the collective and “service” to humanity instead of the sanctity of individualism, to his stony persona, arrogance and use of the words “I” and “me”,to his continue presence on television to the point his face is there all of the time…this is the stuff from which fascism grows. You mark my words…he will go after alternative media and energy companies next.

Wake up America. When the New Yorker magazine runs a story about the greatness of a Chinese communist dictatorship, there is trouble. Freedom is precious, and unless we begin to restore the voice of the people, it may be too late.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


In a moment of honesty during last night’s 28th health care address, Republican Congressman Joe Wilson of South Carolina shouted out “You Lie!!!” when Barack Obama stated the proposed House health care bill would not cover aliens. Was it rude? Of course it was. Did it lack decorum? You bet. But it wasn’t any worse than when the Democrats booed George Bush in the 2005 State of the Union Address. Of course, that was different. For the progressive Democrats, it is always different.

Was Congressman Wilson right? Yes he was. Barack Obama has stood in front of the nation and lied, and lied, and lied some more. First, did you notice that 45 million uninsured Americans magically turned into 30 million uninsured Americans in Obama’s speech? That’s because the 45 million included illegal aliens. He finally figured it out. So for the last 4 months he has been lying about the number of uninsured, and he finally admitted it.

Does the health care bill explicitly state it does not cover illegal aliens? Yes it does. But case law and other federal laws prohibit those selling insurance resulting from a public benefit from asking about citizenship. Anyone can go in and buy it with a minimal amount of identification. So guess what…the illegal aliens will go in and buy it…and we wouldn’t even know. Quelle surprise!!!!

Then of course, there is the famous line he has used for the past several months….if you have insurance now and you like it, you can keep your current insurance. He changed that in last night’s speech… now it’s “nothing in this bill compels you to change your insurance.” His previous statement, that he used over and over again, was a lie. Last night’s statement is true. Nothing in the bill compels you to change your insurance. However, as I have repeatedly said, if the policy changes in the list little bit, you are not allowed to keep your insurance. And if your employer decides it’s cheaper to pay the 8% penalty than pay for your insurance, then off you are to the government insurance plan. The Congressional Budget Office estimates under the current House bill, 100 million Americans will lose their current health insurance and be forced onto the government plan. That is different from Obama’s statement last night that only 5% of Americans would go onto the government plan. That is another Obama lie.

As for demeaning the presidency, I think Barack Obama is doing a fair job at that himself. He has opted for celebrity instead of being president with nonstop speeches and television appearances. When does he do any work? Oh ya. He doesn't. Nancy Pelosi is doing it for him. Meanwhile, the stature of the United States is sinking worldwide. Iran is pumping money and supplies into Afghanistan while building the bomb. Hugo Chavez is supporting rebels all through Latin America. But they are leftists, so that's okay. The CIA is in shambles as Obama supporters are outing CIA operatives by showing their pictures to terrorists. Obama is bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia. And last but not least, Obama has surrounded himself with left wing radicals who think the US government engineered the 9/11 attacks and that dogs should have lawyers to sue humans. Things are getting real bad. And you are worried about Joe Wilson?

So, Barack Obama, I agree with Joe Wilson. YOU LIE!!!!! I mailed Congressman Wilson a $50.00 campaign donation today. You should do the same.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

School Daze...Obama Daze

Pretend that it is 2002. President Bush is dealing with the after effects of 9/11, and he decides that he should address all of the students in the United States. He arranges for C-Span to carry the address, and instructs the Department of Education to put the whole thing together, complete with lists of what students should do in preparation for the address telling the teachers to make posters of Bush's quotable quotes. Then the big day comes, and every student in the United States is supposed to watch this exercise in communication.

What do you think the chances that such an address could have happened? Slim to none! But that is exactly what is going to happen next Tuesday. The Great Leader, President Barack Obama, is going to address American public school students either by streaming through the White House web site or on television through C-Span.

The political backlash from the press and education system would be heard on the moon if this were a Republican president. Screams of indoctrination and intrusion in the educational process for political gain would be unending. And if it actually happened, the ACLU would be in court demanding equal time. The bias of the press and the education system is now on full display.

This type of political activity is foreign to the United States. It is not foreign to countries like China, North Korea, the old Soviet Union, Cuba, and Venezuela. It smacks of the cult of personality. President Obama has taken to the airwaves to solve his ills which seem to be piling up by the day. When the reality of life meets with the socialist rhetoric, the rhetoric loses every time. Since he can’t resort to arguments of substance, he continues to rely on his personal charisma to get what he wants. Unfortunately for him, the adults aren't buying the charisma bit anymore, so he is selling it to the kids.

Students are indoctrinated on left wing philosophy and theory from the minute they walk into kindergarten. The teachers pay dues to a union which espouses left wing principles and donates regularly to left wing causes and left wing political candidates. The text books are filled with inaccuracies and revisionist theories and history. I remember my son’s elementary school science book…which was more like an environmental textbook talking about how the earth is going to suffer gloom and destruction. I set him straight after I read that claptrap. What was funny is the text book material was the same when I was elementary school and junior high. Miss Kennedy ran around the room to show how the moon orbits the earth, and the textbooks claimed we would run out of oil by 1980 and be burned up in a carbon monoxide baked world. Oh yes, the earth’s temperature would then drop dramatically, and we would all freeze to death if we didn’t burn up previously.

All kidding aside, Bush the 1st and Ronald Reagan made similar addresses to our students. Anything that can be said to help kids stay in school is a plus. Unfortuanely, America is finally turning Obama off. It is finally beginning to connect the dots with its uneasy feeling of discontentment and concern. He can keep talking…but I am not sure anyone is listening anymore. That is, of course, except for the kids who will be forced to watch him in school and then write letters on how they can help him. Oh well, if it gets too boring they can always text message their friends.

Wait a minute…is that Kim Jong-Il over there?