Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Bye Bye Joe! Here Comes Hillary!!

Several weeks ago I wrote that Barack Obama would replace Joe Biden on the ticket this year. Today I am doubling down on that prediction. In the last election folks joked about Sarah Palin. The real joke was Joe Biden. The vice-president seems to be an okay guy. It’s hard not to like Joe. He has had a difficult life and has faced adversity that is beyond the comprehension of most of us. But he is intellectually bankrupt with gaff after gaff after gaff.

The Drudge Report today was almost comical. First he imitates the lady signing for the deaf. Then he tells the good folks of Virginia that they can win North Carolina. Then he raises the specter of racism claiming the Republicans are going to “put y’all back in chains.” This was all in one day.

Obama and his cadre Chicago have got to be shaking in their shoes. Paul Ryan is an intellectual heavy weight respected by both houses of Congress. He is young, attractive, amiable, and the smartest guy in the room. He is unflappable under pressure, shaking Obama up in the “for show” debate over health care in Blair House. And he will be debating Biden in October. Ouch!!!

That is a recipe for disaster. Ryan will clean Joe’s clock. More than that, it will make Obama look stupid…and make Sarah Palin look smart. Horrors!!!! What’s an incumbent President with the economy in the toilet to do?

I am always proud when people smarter than me, and are in a position to know such things, agree with what I said a while back. Sean Hannity, on his radio and television program today said that he believes Biden will feign illness and drop out of the race prior to the convention opening the door for Hillary. When all else fails, go to the Clinton’s. Never mind that Hillary was named Secretary of State then shoved out of the country on a continuous world tour that has yet to end. Out of sight, out of mind!! But Obama has to be concerned about Joe Biden.

And Hillary would be dumb enough to do it. Unfortunately for them, I think the bloom is off the rose for Hillary. She looks like a sellout, and frankly hasn’t done a very good job. She is a light weight compared to Condi Rice, and hasn’t been around stateside long enough to really know what is going on.

Paul Ryan has put Obama in a difficult position. Is Joe Biden the kind a guy you want one heartbeat from the presidency?

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