Friday, July 27, 2012

Moments of Candor

Kim Strassel’s column in the Wall Street Journal today hit the nail on the head. If you want to know the measure of a man, look for rare moments of candor. Barack Obama gave us a moment of candor last week when he dissed small business. His “you didn’t build that” moment gave America a glimpse behind the curtain…and we saw that the great wizard was really an angry, jealous socialist with a disdain from American business. If you are successful, you didn’t do that yourself. You didn’t work harder. You are not smarter. You couldn’t have done it without…..government.

Since his moment of candor, Obama has been trying to explain the comment away. He was only talking about roads and schools. Okay…right!! He has it half ass backwards. Obama believes that business is here to serve government. He doesn’t understand that it government exists because business pays for it. In America, government is here to protect and support free enterprise, not the other way around.

Obama has had other moments of candor. Joe the Plumber was told that money had “to be spread around.” Then there was his characterization of mid-Americans clinging to their bibles and guns. Why is everybody surprised? Actions speak louder than words, and his actions are continuous moments of candor from his choice of friends like Bill Ayers to his choice of social justice religion with a racist minister preaching sermons Obama claimed he never heard, to various organizations he belonged to.

You can also look for moments of candor in his appointments to government positions. From his chief of staff to his attorney general to his energy secretary to his head of Health and Human Services, he has appointed the MOST radical and leftist ideologues this country has ever seen to posts of power and position to do damage to our American system.

People want to believe in that attractive family man with a winning smile and beautiful family. They trust that engaging smile. But look to his actions. Look to his friends. Look to his unscripted words. Americans don’t want to admit that this guy has snookered them. But find those moments of candor, and you will see the truth…and the truth shall set us free.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

America the Fearful

Over the past few weeks WRAG PAC has been spearheading an effort to mount an anti-Obama campaign in the Mahoning Valley. To date, we have raised a substantial amount of money and we are shooting for much more. There is a recurring theme among prospective donors….and that theme is fear.

Politics is a nasty business. It’s not for the weak in spirit and faint of heart. On the other hand, those of us who have been politically active in every sense of the word know how it works, and we gird our loins and press forward knowing that something can come up behind us and bite us in the ass when we least expect it.

But this year it’s a different kind of fear. It’s a two headed monster of fear of the future and fear of our government. I have had NUMEROUS folks who are over sixty years old express fear that they will not be able to pay for their senior years. These are folks who have saved all of their life and now fear the government will take what they have accumulated leaving them at the mercy of government “largesse.” They aren’t asking for a handout. They are afraid of being forced into taking handouts. These are the evil “rich.”

Even more disturbing are those who are afraid to express an opinion because they are afraid their name will appear on a donor list making them vulnerable to retaliation from the government. Some of these folks are justified in their fears. I have seen the thug politics to which some of these folks have been subjected simply because they made a donation to a particular candidate, including picketing of homes and picketing of their places of business. Mix into this the deliberate lies folks are being told that don’t mesh with the reality they are seeing around them…George Orwell anyone…and we have a real problem.

Those of us who fancy ourselves being amateur historians have seen this in history before. I am actually afraid to make the analogies here because of possible criticism or retaliation or accusations of the worst type. But there is nothing new here. Divide and conquer…the overt policy of the current administration…is as old as the hills. The politics of hate whether directed at an ethnic/racial group or an economic class has been around for thousands of years.

The result is an atmosphere of fear and distrust as the administration in power tries to stir up the angry mob. We have seen the angry mob. Do you really think that Barack Obama, the community organizer, didn’t have his hand in the Occupy movement?

My message is simple. America, don’t be afraid. Truth…and standing up for what you believe in…will set you free. Stand up for your own economic future. Stand up for the truth. Stand up for America.

Friday, July 6, 2012

A Rant Potpourri!!!

So much has happened this week it’s hard to choose a topic for the rant, so I will rant over several.

1) The National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses has issues guidelines that are used by Homeland Security to identify potential terrorists. These include Americans who feel their way of life in under attack; are nationalistic; are anti-global; are suspicious of a central authority; are reverent of individual freedom; and believe in conspiracy theories. I kid you not!!!! Where do I turn myself in? It would be funny if it weren’t so scary…this is what our government is using.

2) The June jobs report was a disaster. The economy only produced 75,000 jobs last month. Obama claimed it was the fault of the Republican congress which should pass his jobs bill which hires teachers. That’s his solution to unemployment…hire teachers? Really?

3) Chico, California is now providing free breakfasts and lunches to anyone who cares to show up for them…no proof of need is necessary….or proof of citizenship. And you wonder why California is broke. By the way, if Obama is re-elected, guess who will be paying for the free lunch? As the saying goes, there is no free lunch.

4) A Hallandale Beach lifeguard was fired for rescuing a drowning person that was outside of his “zone”. His private company employer claimed that it was because of “liability issues”. But the firing was rescinded after an investigation (where the employer realized the liability that would have accrued to the company would have been worse if the lifeguard had done nothing by staying in the “zone”). They offered the guard his job back who politely and rightfully refused it. Good for him.

5) Barack Obama came to the Mahoning Valley today, and ended up talking at an elementary school in Poland. Could they have found a more out of the way venue? Only 250 tickets were issued to the invitation only event. Obama rode in the bus made in Canada…good for international relations. While a few lined the motorcade route, it was the second, not the lead story on WKBN evening news. But to add insult to injury, sometimes a politician can’t catch a break. The female owner of the restaurant in Akron where the President unexpectedly stopped for breakfast had a heart attack after the President left the establishment and died. Thoughts and prayers for the owner’s family…and for President Obama who I am sure wish he would have stayed in Washington.

C ya next time!!!