Friday, July 27, 2012

Moments of Candor

Kim Strassel’s column in the Wall Street Journal today hit the nail on the head. If you want to know the measure of a man, look for rare moments of candor. Barack Obama gave us a moment of candor last week when he dissed small business. His “you didn’t build that” moment gave America a glimpse behind the curtain…and we saw that the great wizard was really an angry, jealous socialist with a disdain from American business. If you are successful, you didn’t do that yourself. You didn’t work harder. You are not smarter. You couldn’t have done it without…..government.

Since his moment of candor, Obama has been trying to explain the comment away. He was only talking about roads and schools. Okay…right!! He has it half ass backwards. Obama believes that business is here to serve government. He doesn’t understand that it government exists because business pays for it. In America, government is here to protect and support free enterprise, not the other way around.

Obama has had other moments of candor. Joe the Plumber was told that money had “to be spread around.” Then there was his characterization of mid-Americans clinging to their bibles and guns. Why is everybody surprised? Actions speak louder than words, and his actions are continuous moments of candor from his choice of friends like Bill Ayers to his choice of social justice religion with a racist minister preaching sermons Obama claimed he never heard, to various organizations he belonged to.

You can also look for moments of candor in his appointments to government positions. From his chief of staff to his attorney general to his energy secretary to his head of Health and Human Services, he has appointed the MOST radical and leftist ideologues this country has ever seen to posts of power and position to do damage to our American system.

People want to believe in that attractive family man with a winning smile and beautiful family. They trust that engaging smile. But look to his actions. Look to his friends. Look to his unscripted words. Americans don’t want to admit that this guy has snookered them. But find those moments of candor, and you will see the truth…and the truth shall set us free.


Anonymous said...

Bet he'll be using those teleprompters alot more than usual?

Anonymous said...

Show me one successful republican business owner that didn't take advantage of roads, grants, tax-relief, education, libraries, energy or anything else provided by government for the common good. How about the ones that displaced our workforce and sent jobs overseas while piling up money in a bank account outside of the USA? No, you didn't do it all yourself, you took all the advantages that government provided while turning your back on the less fortunate in your own country. Now you're too jaded to admit it? Grow up, you childish republicans.