Saturday, September 8, 2012

Post Democratic Convention Thoughts and Fears

The conventions are over, and maybe America will begin to pay attention to the serious issues we are facing. This election cycle has been marked by some interesting twists. I know that polls are notoriously inaccurate, but this cycle is the first time when I have noticed that the polls are being purposely skewed. What is even more amazing is not only are the pollsters not hiding it, they readily admit there are problems with the methods and numbers.

Adding to the problem are folks who are fearful this year. The public being polled has wised up, and is simply either refusing to participate or outright lie to the pollster because one never knows who is at the other end of the poll telephone call really. I trust Rassmusen, and that’s about it.

Obama gave his speech claiming he is going to spend money saved on war to build bridges and cut the deficit. Uh? The money we are spending on “war” is off budget and is borrowed. So where is Obama going to find the phantom peace dividend? And he hauled Clinton out to give a speech…you know, the convicted felon who has been disbarred who has prostituted his wife to Obama after a filthy dirty primary four years ago. Did I say that? Hey America….Clinton is NOT running for President, and we know he is a liar.

Beware of Obamacare. For those of you who currently have insurance under your current employer, you can be sure unless you are among Obama’s chosen few you will not have the same insurance policy after 2014. The number of companies quietly saying that they will drop health insurance as a benefit when Obamacare goes into effect is rising. If the penalty for NOT offering health care is $2,000.00 per employee and it is costing the employer $7,000.00 per employee, one doesn’t have to be a genius to see that one coming.

I am fearful that America doesn’t fully understand how bad an Obama second term will be. EPA regulations will issued like sand in the wind. Gasoline prices will soar. Utility prices will “necessarily” rise as Obama promised several years ago. Inflation will take over. The health care you currently enjoy will not be there. The war on religion will be intensified. Those were Democrats booing God at the Democratic Convention. The Middle East will explode in war as Israel, abandoned by the United States, will attack Iran with unforeseen consequences. The dollar will begin to lose its place as the world’s reserve currency. If you take into consideration those folks who have stopped looking for work, the unemployment rate is actually 11%. If Obama is re-elected, look for it to push 20%. You can poo poo me, but I am right. Gold will soar as the world looks for a safe haven. And those who are suffering now will learn there is no free lunch. “Free” can be very expensive! And the standard of living provided by the government is low.

I talked with a senior lady the other day who can’t come to grips with what is happening in America today. She kept repeating over and over again that she is Democrat, and she has no one to vote for because the current “Democratic” president doesn’t seem quite right. I tried to explain to her that this isn’t her father’s Democratic Party. This is something else. The ideas are foreign to America. They were rejected with George McGovern. They were rejected with Jimmy Carter. They were rejected the first two years of the Clinton administration. I am not sure the country will reject this social cancer this time around.

I heard a talking head on television say that the press has made Obama’s re-election a moral issue. The unfinished part of the statement is it is a moral issue based on race. The job numbers announced this past Friday clearly show that this is a “moral” imperative we can’t afford. Obama’s post convention bounce seems to as tepid as Romney’s. This is scary stuff and we should all be concerned.

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