Saturday, February 5, 2011

When the Bomb Falls on Tel Aviv...

When the bomb falls on Tel Aviv….what are we going to do? The Egyptian revolution is scary. Nobody seems to know who the players are. I keep thinking of the commentator who said today that there are 1 million Egyptians in the streets, but 86 million staying at home. Who represents whom? And the recent assassination attempt on the life of the newly appointed vice-president certainly gives one pause. This kind of tactic is the mark of the Islamists. I have read story after story that they are streaming via tunnels under the border from Gaza into Egypt.

It’s clear that the most organized group in the Egyptian revolution is the Muslim Brotherhood. This is not a benign organization. It is the parent of Al Qaeda. These are bad dudes. No matter what the intentions of the Egyptians marching in the streets, the chaos breeds radicalism. Do I think that Egypt will become an Islmaic state? Probably not. The United States gives $1.5 billion to the Egyptian army each and every year. The generals will do what the United States tells them to do unless they can find another sugar daddy.

On the other hand, the Islamists can destabilize Egypt turning Cairo into another Baghdad with suicide bombings, roadside bombs, thuggery and assassinations. Nothing good can come from what is going on Egypt. A destabilized Egypt is not much better than one controlled by the extremists.

More importantly, the United States continues to look weak. From Obama bowing to these folks when he took office, to the betrayal of the Iranian dissidents during the attempted Iranian revolution last year, and now to the collapse of Mubarak…we look like fools. We look indecisive and weak. That is a dangerous combination as Islamic extremism continues to spread throughout the middle east. What they understand is strength and resolve.

Wikileaks has leaked information relating to stolen yellow cake and other missing nuclear materials. Al Qaeda is developing minimally a dirty bomb…and worst case scenario a full blown nuclear device. They intend to use it.

The same can be said about Iran. Do you think they are building nuclear weapons for the beauty of the day? Of course not! These are folks who are willing to die for their God, and are willing to bet that if they use a nuclear bomb, the United States would not react in kind.

I agree. If a bomb were to drop on Tel Aviv, the United States would kick and scream and condemn and hold hearings…but ultimately there would be a tepid response because we rely on these idiots for our oil. Israel would fire back, but not us.

We are on a dangerous path. The warning signs are there. We need to learn from history. If we don’t stop these guys now…it will take millions of dead people later. There is no good choice; but the worse choice is to continue to do what we are doing, nothing.

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