Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The 2011 Public Employee Protest Awards

The Egyptians marching in the streets of Cairo have nothing on our own public employees marching into the state capitol buildings along with doctors to write them excuses for days off. Union thuggery is not how to win friends and influence people, but it sure makes for great television. There has been plenty on display. In the battle over government retaking control of the services it provides, the posturing on both sides has been unseemly to say the least. Here are some of the highlights.

The Worst Offender Award goes to the Democratic legislators in Wisconsin who left the state in an effort to filibuster by thwarting a quorum. Looks real good guys! I am sure all of the independents will vote for you next time around.

Biggest Jack Ass Award goes to the guy in the goofy hat chanting “Fox News Lies” over and over again attempting to disrupt the Fox News on the scene reporter. That was fun. It’s scary to think that idiot might be a teacher teaching your children civics. It’s even scarier to think he might be a fireman or EMT who is responsible for saving your life. And scarier still, he might be a cop with a gun!!! Give him whatever he wants!!

The Employee Who Should Be Fired Award goes to the caller to a local talk radio show stating he was a policeman in a certain urban area in the Mahoning Valley, and that prior to the election he drove around and took down the addresses of any folks who had Republican yard signs in their yard so he knows who is enemies are when the time comes. Oh my!!!

The Social Faux Pas and Bad Taste of the Year Award
goes to John Kasich, Governor of Ohio, who moved his address to the Mahoning Valley Chamber of Commerce from Leo’s Restaurant to the Youngstown Airport. The airport? Really? He said that security is an issue because of the large amount of public employee protestors expected. I suspect he just didn't want another harrowing ride down Belmont Avenue viewing beautiful Liberty Township.

Best Performance by a Local Politician goes to State Senator Bob Hagan who shouted at a local rally that the Governor could kiss his union ass. He also gets Best Supporting Role by a Local Politician for the statehouse showdown in Columbus in front of the locked down state capitol building, screaming that this was the people’s house. The supporting role contest was tight, with Dave Betras, the local county chairman, leading the protestor march up the airport access road.

Best Teachable Moment goes to the Mark Knows It All blog. I had to learn the difference between capital and capitol. For reasons known only to Webster and God, the city for the seat of government is the Capital. The building in which government activity takes place is the Capitol. So…Washington DC is the capital of the United States. Congress meets in the Capitol Building. Not to be confused with financial resources…such as I don’t have the capital (money) to proceed with the project. And, of course, you start a sentence with a Capital letter. You also are either for or against Capital punishment.

How many people banging on the statehouse door know that? Power to the People!!!!!

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