Saturday, August 14, 2010

To Mosque or Not To Mosque

The tone deaf president strikes again. For reasons known only to him and to God, President Obama came out yesterday in support of the proposed controversial mosque at Ground Zero. He didn’t have to say anything, but he once again had to open his big mouth. 64% of Americans believe the proponents of the mosque have the constitutional right to build it there. However 64% of Americans believe it is wrong to build it there, and oppose its construction. So once again, Obama is sticking his finger in the eye of Americans.

From what I read, there are numerous unanswered questions about what this Islamic Center is, who is funding it, what are the beliefs of those behind it, yada yada yada. To me, it looks like a shrine to the Muslim martyrs. I agree with the commentator that said the mosque should be built at Ground Zero when Saudi Arabia allows the construction of a Christian Church within its borders.

What the freedom of religion crowd is running into is the sense in America that Islam is more than a religion. For many, not all, it is a political movement as well as a religion. There are certainly religion tolerant modern Moslem countries; Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, and Iraq to name a few. But the radical Moslems are something else. Saudi Arabia and Iran are theocracies which have melted the political and the religious aspects of Islam together.

That brand of Islam is NOT a religion. It is a movement of male domination and female subjugation coupled with a brutal legal code and an intolerance which is beyond the understanding of most Americans. It is racist, and would practice genocide in a heartbeat. That should not be tolerated in America anymore than the KKK, which was a hate based political movement clothed in religion. Freedom of religion is not anymore absolute than freedom of speech…the proverbial you can’t yell fire in a theater.

What disturbs me about the proposed mosque is that the government officials are refusing to investigate what this is. Where is the money coming from? Who will have access? What are the ground rules for its operation? Will it practice tolerance or intolerance? MOST IMPORTANTLY, DOES IT ADVOCATE POLITICAL GOALS…LIKE IMPLEMENTATION OF SHARIA LAW IN THE UNITED STATES? Does it advocate the overthrow of our system of government?

Mayor Bloomberg and President Obama are wrong. This is sacred ground. 9-11 cost this country 3400 lives and billions of dollars directly…and has resulted in the cost of blood and treasure in two subsequent wars.

Build the mosque somewhere else. Sanctimonious political correctness doesn’t cut it. Bloomberg and Obama should be ashamed of themselves.

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