Friday, August 27, 2010

Feel Me....Touch Me

Some people are touched by other people. Other people are touched by angels. Still some people are touched by the Lord. Now the Government Accountability Office has come out with a metric to justify Obama’s stimulus package called “lives touched” by the stimulus! Has your life been touched by the stimulus? I know mine has. Let me bend over and show you where.

Please tell me they are kidding. They couldn’t show how many jobs the stimulus created. They can’t figure out how many jobs have been “saved”. So now they are counting jobs created to include “lives touched” by the stimulus…seriously. The metric popped up in a report by the GAO justifying money spent by the DOE. “LBJ took the IRT down to 4th Street USA. When he got there what did he see? The youth of America on LSD!”

I digress. This metric is not used as jobs saved…it is used to determine jobs created. And it is cumulative, to show the jobs number, which really isn’t a jobs number but a lives touched number, is ever increasing. Where is George Orwell when you need him?

This is pitiful, but what do you expect from a self perpetuating bureaucratic behemoth struggling to justify what is happening in the country? It is so outrageous, one is almost speechless. What can one say about the government, and the omniscient Barack Obama, touching our lives?

I suppose "lives touched" can be argued to be a legitimate metric. If you have lost your job, your life is touched. If your home is foreclosed on, your life is touched. If violence is erupting in your school system, your life is touched. If your retirement has been lost or your stock market portfolio has tanked while your taxes are going up, your life has been touched. And I guess all those people on Martha’s Vineyard are having their lives touched by Obama’s sixth or seventh vacation this year.

How has your life been touched? I think the GAO should have a website where all Americans can post how their lives have been touched by the stimulus.

Sounds a tad pornographic, doesn’t it? IT IS!!!! Hey Mr. President! Stimulate……nevermind.

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