Thursday, August 5, 2010

Can't We Just All Get Along?

Newsweek Magazine is a liberal publication on life support courtesy of the Washington Post. It is up for sale, but the WP is being a tad choosey as to whom it sells this venerable American rag. (UPDATE: SOLD YESTERDAY FOR $1.00) Nevertheless, I enjoy reading the magazine, and its new format is not too bad. The front part of the mag is heavy on editorial opinion, including some conservative articles. The back of the mag is dedicated to life style stories…way too much on movie stories, but interesting none-the-less.

But a particular in this past week’s edition earned a MKIA raised eyebrow, given its usual intellectually elite tenor. It was written by its editor, Jon Meacham, entitled When the Facts Get in the Way. Making reference to the Shirley Sherrod story, Mr. Meacham writes: “The seasonal issue is one particular to the age of Obama, if universal to American politics: the underlying role that white prejudice against blacks plays in our national life”. Huh???

Mr. Meacham, are you tone deaf? In the media’s continual pursuit of looking for white racism, it has completely ignored time and time again racism rooted the black community. Ms. Sherrod’s experience is the perfect storm showing of white racism, and black racism, wrapping themselves up into one big surprise package that has exploded in this administrations face. I haven’t seen a whites on television calling for the killing of black babies. I haven’t seen white media list serve groups plotting to call black commentators and politicians racists. And I haven’t seen any white screaming ministers on television calling for the destruction of black America.

Minimally, Mr. Meacham, racism is something experienced across all swaths of American society: white, black, brown and red. President Obama has called for a national dialogue on racism. I agree. Mr. Meacham and President Obama, why don’t we start with both of you coming to Youngstown, and accompanying me to Southern Park Mall on Friday night…or riding up Market Street…or talking to the folks who live in Forest Glen. Then let’s sit and talk about racism.

The issue isn’t white racism in America. The issue is “racism” in America. It comes in all forms and colors. Until the liberal media is willing to accept that, nothing will get better. It’s time for an honest dialogue…but I can assure you under this post racial president, it ain’t going to happen. Race baiting is one of his political tools. Rodney King may have been right…”Can’t we just all get along?” We can only hope.

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