Thursday, August 19, 2010

Economic Rage

If it weren’t so sad, it would be funny. Day after day I continually hear reports about what is wrong with the American economy. Political pundits and economic pundits and business channel pundits talk about stimulus, the lack of stimulus, monetary policy, fiscal policy, monetizing the debt, inflation, deflation, stagflation…talk is cheap!!!

It’s no great mystery why the economy is in the crapper. This President has stuck it to small businessman, and created an atmosphere of mistrust, fear and instability while exhibiting nothing but anger and revenge towards business. What do you think these folks are going to do?

So Obama wants small business to hire. Let’s see how this works. He has changed health care to such a point the business owner doesn’t know who is entitled and who is not entitled to health benefits, or what it is going to cost. He is told that his taxes are going up after the first of the year with the expiration of the Bush tax cuts. The minimum wage has gone up, and will continue to go up periodically over the next few years. He is told to expand his factory, but then told don’t do this. Do that. You need that permit. You need that study. Get an EPA review. Make sure to unionize your work force. Watch for those carbon emissions. They are going to cost you. To finance it, you have to mortgage your first born child. And oh ya! If you are successful in actually getting something off the ground and operating, we will take it from you when you die with a confiscatory estate tax of 55%. Now there’s a deal. Sign me up for that.

What world do these people live in? Nothing is going to happen to help the economy until this jack ass is out of office, and some sanity comes into government. The proverbial ivory tower is not a myth. It is a reality. At the end of the day, Obama and his entire group of advisors are liberal, progressive left wing academics who know NOTHING about business, and what makes this country run. While boo-hooing over the minorities and the illegal immigrants and the Muslims and the Mexicans, all the while paying the government employees implementing these plans a full 30 -50% more than their private employee counterparts, they have forgotten the number one rule. DON’T BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU.

Obama does a lot of biting. The very people he denigrates and demonizes are the ones who are picking up the tab for his utopian programs…and they are not happy. Now he’s worried, or so he says, that the private sector isn’t “growing” jobs? Really? He’s lucky that more people aren’t being laid off.

Under Barack Obama, what side of the economic line would you like to be on? Those busting their ass trying to pay the bills, or those on the receiving end of Obama largesse? Folks, this guy is bad news. It is time for a change. It is time to change now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Don't bite the hand that feeds you" apparently is a lesson used by your favorite source for misinformation: Fox News. It ends up that Fox News is partially owned by a terrorist whom they fail to mention is directly involved with the money trail associated with the 'ground zero mosque'. Of course, you'd never find this out from Fox and Friends so I offer this link for documentation of my claim that Fox News is either pure evil or just plain stupid:

The first segment tells it all, enjoy!