Thursday, July 2, 2009

So You Sew...So You Reap

Very few things get me so upset that I lose sleep over them, but an interview on the O’Reilly Factor last night did the trick. Juan Williams, whom CNN has referred to as “the happy negro”, substituted for the vacationing O’Reilly last night. Williams is, for the most part, a liberal commentator on Fox News, and I was surprised to see him in that position. I was stunned at his adeptness at interviewing, and heard an hour’s worth of some of the best and tough interviewing I have heard in years.

Lost in last Friday’s news cycle midst the 24/7 coverage of Michael Jackson’s early demise was the House of Representatives passing what is better known as the Cap and Trade Bill. This is the global warming climate legislation. It passed by one vote, with approximately 35 Democrats voting against it, and 8 Republicans voting for it. It is the single most draconian piece of legislation to come from the loony left in the history of the United States, and Americans have yet to appreciate what it is and what it does. It will control and tax every aspect of your life, and will be hard to dismantle once implemented.

Juan Williams asked the interviewed White House spokesman about a little known part of the bill called REEP, which stands for Retrofit for Environmental and Energy Performance. What this portion of the bill does is to require anyone selling their homes, and I am not making this up, to retrofit their home to meet EPA mandated guidelines prior to selling their house. That would mean you would have “retrofit” your furnace, your air conditioner, your refrigerator, your insulation, your windows, before you could sell your home. If this stuns you, it should. Nothing else can demonstrate just how radical the current administration is on whacko environmentalism based on questionable science.

Above and beyond the shock of what this piece of legislation does, was the total nonchalance of the White House spokesman being questioned by Williams as to whether those running the government are nuts. His response was a complete defense of the provisions, claiming that it will be good for America in the long run. It will “save” people money in the long run. Of course, the bill provides that the government will reimburse the homeowners for a portion of the retrofitting…translate…the taxpayers…translate…you. And of course, the homes that would probably require the most retro fitting, say in the bad parts of town, will most likely be paid for by the taxpayer in total. That means you will be paying for yours, plus the poor…because it's only fair.

This Cap and Trade bill will destroy the American economy, and bankrupt those of us who are struggling to pay our bills. It will move massive amounts of industry to India, China, Brazil, and Russia, who are steadfastly refusing to implement similar measures in their own countries. Britain already has a Cap and Trade bill, and it is costing each British homeowner an average of $1300.00 per year, while the economy goes into the dumpster as industry flees the country.

While Michael Jackson’s death was certainly noteworthy, it does not affect my daily life on iota. Cap and Trade, on the other hand, will lead us to the poor house. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!!

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