Thursday, July 23, 2009

Health Care and Race: Don't Look Here...Look There!

There are two things Glenn Beck says about Barack Obama that I agree with 100%. In his efforts to consolidate power in the White House to implement his vision social justice: 1) Don’t listen to what he says, look at what he does; and 2) Don’t look here, look over there. Translated, this means he lies and distracts.

Obama believes in government control of everything. He currently controls General Motors, Chrysler, Citigroup, and AIG, as well as numerous other financial institutions. He is also making moves to take student loans out of private institutions and only allow student loans to be issued directly by the government tied to “public service.” Now he wants to control your total life. He is doing this under the guise of Cap and Trade (global warming gobblygook) and Health Care Reform.

Distraction is up first. His efforts to shove health care reform down your throat with no details is failing as his phony figures of cost start to collapse under the reality of the Congressional Budget Office figures. This is on the tail of the failed non-stimulus stimulus package which does everything but stimulate business. Obama and Pelosi and Reid with Tom “let the old folks die” Daschle really thought they could get away with cramming the health care takeover through Congress. It is pretty clear it hasn’t worked, and slowly people are beginning to understand Obama’s socialist beliefs. Notwithstanding, Pelosi is still trying making threats to those who oppose her imperious wishes.

So what did Obama do at his health care press conference to distract the public from what is going on? He played the race card. He called the Cambridge Police Department stupid for arresting black Professor Henry Louis Gates for “breaking into his own house.” Then Obama said that had he been in the same position at his house in Chicago, he would have been shot.

What was the lead story on the NBC, CNN, ABC, and CBS the next morning? Not health care, but Obama’s racial comments. Fox News brought on the New York Times black White House correspondent to comment on health care. When asked about Obama’s health care comments, she responded about the Professor Gates case and issues surrounding the arrest. Who needs health care? DON’T LOOK OVER HERE…LOOK OVER THERE!

I will leave you to read the accounts of what happened to Professor Gates on your own. Click here to read the police report (X). By the way, when my burglar alarm went off at my house, I had to identify myself to the investigating officer and show him my ID. I cooperated. The cop was doing his job. I didn’t think it was racist, and I am an over the hill white guy.

Then there is the Obama use of Clintonian word parsing. First he said there will be no tax hikes on the middle class to pay for his vision of health care. But at the press conference, he changed his tune a bit, and “viva la difference.” Now he is opposed to tax hikes which put the burden of paying for his utopian health care plan “completely” on the middle class. He is opposed to a plan in which the burden is “primarily” on the middle class. His plan will be revenue neutral for a “decade”.

Take it apart, and you should be concerned. Look at the words. He is now saying that there will be a tax hike on the middle class to pay for health care, but not completely, and not primarily. Do you think you can define that? And that “decade” comment…assuming you believe the figures he is currently giving…he accomplishes that by raising taxes before he starts to spend money on the new health care plan by two to four years. He front loads the funding. So maybe it stands a miniscule chance of sort of being revenue neutral for about a day. After 10 years, it skyrockets out of control. Of course, he won’t be President then…and who cares?

You should.

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