Monday, February 25, 2013

Sequester This

We now have a new word in the English dictionary...Sequestration.  It is a scary word.  Apparently the government is going to come to halt on March 1 as it is implemented, cutting federal programs to the core.  Children will be starving.  Crime will run rampant in the street.  Schools will close for lack of teachers.  You will die in your house because there will be no EMT's to answer you 9-1-1 calls.  Planes will fall from the sky.  Did I mention children will be starving?  Obama and his cohorts are on the rampage preaching Armageddon if all of these spending cuts are implemented.  Build an ark.  The second flood is coming. 

So let's see how much Drama Obama is BS'ing us now.  Sequestration is not a spending cut.  It is a decrease in the rate of increase over the next seven years.  It amounts to a 2 1/2 percent cut in the rate of increase.   Here are the figures:
Defense spending increases 18% instead of 20% with sequestration.

Non-defense discretionary increases 12% instead of 14% with sequestration.
No change in the increase in Medicare.

Interest expenses rise 136% instead 152% with sequestration.

Total government spending the first year with sequestration would be 3.62 trillion vs. 3.69 trillion; and by year seven would rise to 5.26 trillion vs. 5.42 trillion.

So....over a seven year period, spending would rise 1.6 trillion instead of 1.7 trillion.

Let's put this in terms that you understand.  Let's say that your monthly budget is $2,000.00/month.  You were supposed to get a 5% raise over next year generating an additional $100.00 per month that you can spend.  But things are tough at the shop, so the boss announces that instead of a 5% raise, he has to reduce your raise to 2 1/2% which is a "cut" in your pay raise.  Instead of having $2,100.00 per month next year to spend, you will have $2,050.00 per month to spend.  Now....that's not a cut in your monthly budget, but a smaller increase.  I'm sure you would adjust without too much pain, unless you had already spent the extra $100.00 per month, which Obama has done.

Notwithstanding, you would make adjustments and the world would not end.  Here are some adjustments Obama can make.  Don't vacation in Hawaii.  Go to your home in Chicago instead.  And don't take separate vacations.  Take Michele to Florida with you, instead of spending an additional million to send her to Colorado to ski while you go to Florida to golf.  I haven't gone anywhere on vacation for the past several years.  How about going to Camp David to save some money?
As in all things Obama...look at what he does, not what he says.  And as far as the Sequester goes:  Mr. President, sequester this!!!

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