Friday, March 8, 2013

Close the White House

The more I see Barack Obama in action the more I believe that he is whacked. I don’t think he is playing with a full deck. He is a narcissist and a spoiled brat tending towards tantrums when he doesn’t get his way and not afraid to bully people until he does.

His handling of the Sequester is the perfect example. For five years he has bullied Republicans and they have backed off. This time it didn’t work and he flipped. First he and his cronies scared the beejezuz out of Americans telling them that everything short the end of time would result from trimming back the rate of increase in government by 2 cents on the dollar. Then when the Republicans didn’t back down, he had to backtrack saying it wouldn’t be so bad and we would get through it. Meanwhile, he quietly instructed his minions to make it hurt wherever possible to make sure Americans suffer so he could blame the Republicans.

But he crossed the line when he closed the White House to tours. Claiming there was no other way to save a buck from the White House budget he closed the people’s house telling the people to shove it up their ass. Really? This guy is nuts.

Never mind we paid to have him play golf in Florida while his wife and children vacationed in Aspen. Never mind he couldn’t find some place on the mainland for his “vacation” White House…he has to go Hawaii. Never mind that his wife took an entourage at the public expense for a vacation in Spain. Remember when Nancy Reagan bought new White House china? The press screamed for a year and she was fodder on every late night comedian show for months.

So a bunch of kids from Colorado put together a video asking the President to re-open the White House so they could take their scheduled tour on a class trip to Washington. Maybe he could fire the guy to whom the American people pay $100,000.00 to care for his dog.

Obama is a vindictive man who has ice in his veins beyond that engaging smile and winning speech delivery. This time he has gone one step too far. His biggest asset this past election was people trusted him. He has destroyed that trust in less than a few weeks by his childish and mean spirited behavior. He will not be able to regain it.  And all of those children who he pulls out for political photo shoots...maybe their teachers will learn this man's true colors.  When the chips are down, everyone is expendable to achieve the socialist dream.

And as Obama sinks into the muck of his own making, Libertarian Rand Paul makes a Jimmy Stewart-esque old fashioned filibuster to force Eric Holder and Barack Obama to say publicly they don’t have the right to use drones flying over the United States to bomb American citizens.   

I think the momentum has shifted. The golden boy isn’t so golden anymore. The bloom is off the rose. Maybe now America can see him for what he is…a young 60’s style socialist radical who stands for freedom so long as it is his freedom and not yours. As we finally learn who this guy is, we are the better for it.

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