Monday, February 18, 2013

Put Some Clothes On Part Trois

This is another put on some clothes rant.  I frequent a pizza place which is primarily takeout.  The pizza has always been good.  It has great reputation.  Has been there for years.  It has always done a good business.   My trips there have been somewhat limited as of late because it is a distance from where I live, but we still go there occasionally when we tire of the pizza closer to home.

Last night was one of those nights.  I ordered the pizza and was told it was going to be at least a 40 minute wait, but it worked for me because I could finish watching my movie.   It has been awhile since I had been there.  I know personnel changes over a period of time, but I was dumbfounded what I saw when I got there.
I know I should have an open mind.  I have been told by every liberal do-gooder I should be tolerant.  My church tells me we are all God's children...and the fact that these folks are actually working says something for them.  But at the end of the day, the appearance of the staff was deplorable, and I almost walked out.   And I feel bad because their pizza was, and is, very good!
The guy making the pizzas had a pair of baggy shorts on...looked scraggly and unshaven...and had those huge round earrings in his pierced ears.  Another lady was wearing a bandanna and had piercings going across part of her upper lip.  Still another employee...and this one needed an attitude adjustment... was wearing flannel skin tight pajama bottoms that didn't go up very high and a tube top which didn't god down very low showing way much more than I wanted to see.
Now....I know working in a pizza shop is hard work and hot work.  And this particular place was the busiest I have seen it years with people taking out pizzas five at a time.  And all of the above folks were working very hard save the pajama lady who was moving slow and it made it verbally clear she didn't want to be there.  And my pizza was as good as ever.
BUT....appearances count, and by all accounts I would normally walk out of a place with a serving staff that looked like that. This anything goes attitude in America needs to change.  IF they want to express themselves, that's fine!  But don't expect me to spend my money there.  And I am not going to be made to feel guilty by those saying how intolerant I am.  When it comes to business, any business, appearances count.
There are those who are going to tell me I am an old fogey and times change.  Yes they do.  But the acceptance of this type of professional appearance, even working in a pizza shop, degrades and insults the customers.  Does everything have to be reduced to the lowest common denominator in this country?  At what level do we say enough?  They say I shouldn't judge people by appearances, but this kind of in your face dressing invites exactly that. 
I love business, and I pull for everyone who is out there trying to make it in a difficult world.  I am glad these folks are enjoying the success they are because by any measure, they are successful.  Those who dress like that are asking me to accept and tolerate them.  It is a two way street.  They need to set some standards too.  What the owner showed last night was disrespect to me, and I count as much as they do.  They are selling to me, not the other way around,.
Will I go back there for a pizza?  I'm not sure.  I suspect that the attitude their appearance conveys does not translate into what is a very good product.  But you know what?  After 63 years, I just don't want to look at that anymore.  We'll see.   

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