Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Madam Secretary: It Does Make a Difference

Hillary Clinton, looking a little long in the tooth, appeared in front of the Senate and House of Representatives today to answer questions about the Benghazi terrorist attack in Libya. The performance of those in Congress who inquired was criticized by both the liberal and conservative press as being pontificating rather than questioning. So what else is new?

Notwithstanding, the main sound bite coming out of Hillary’s non-answers is telling and chilling. She shouted:

"With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night decided to go kill some Americans? What difference, at this point, does it make?"

I would like to answer that question. Madam Secretary, the difference is that you and the President of the United States stood next to the coffins of our Ambassador and three other dead citizens at Andrews Air Force Base and lied. You blamed a lame video when you knew that it was a terrorist attack. You and the President lied in order to bolster his campaign narrative that Al Qaeda was defeated when you knew that wasn’t true. And that lie was carried right through the campaign up to an including the President’s Inaugural Address where he talked of diminishing wars and peace in our time while North Africa is imploding.

It makes a difference, Madam Secretary, because if you didn’t know about the danger before the attacks you are inept or uncaring. I am not sure which is worse. It makes a difference because in all of your answers today you seemed to know nothing, or the passed the buck. Taking responsibility is admirable but meaningless if you continue the lies. Taking responsibility means telling the truth and exposing the cover up so it doesn’t happen again.

It makes a difference, Madam Secretary, because be it through political expediency or ineptness, there are four dead Americans who asked for help, were denied help, who were attacked and denied help again, and then their memories denigrated by political lies.  The press can deny it.  The public can put its head in the sand.  But facts are facts.  Truth is the truth.

It makes a difference, Madam Secretary, because you want to be President of our great nation. We can’t afford any more lies. We can't trust you. That’s why it makes a difference, Madam Secretary.

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