Sunday, January 6, 2013

In Defense of Catholic Schools

There was discussion on Fox and Friends this morning about attempted legislation in Indiana to re-introduce the Lord’s Prayer into the schools. This is being done in light of the Sandy Hook massacre. It sounded like a good idea to me. Although it is a “Christian” prayer taught by Jesus, Christians often fail to process that Jesus was a Jew. The prayer encompasses a universal theme among monotheist religions. God, your name is holy. Your will shall be done on earth and heaven. Please provide us with life’s needs, and forgive our misdeeds. Help us to forgive those who have offended us. Protect us from the evils of life. You are God forever. I don’t think there is anything there that is offensive to Christians, Jews or Muslims. It is the quintessential generic prayer along with the 23rd Psalm.

The Fox News religious expert, however, spoke out against the plan. He argued it would open the door to all sorts of unpleasantness with atheism, Satanism, and the like. He stated that public schools really mean government schools. That means, he opined, that we are leaving the “values” portion of our children’s education to the government which in turns mean no values at all. A better system would be to allow the parents to choose the schools where they send their children. That is a voucher system.

I agree. Although I was raised Catholic and attended a Catholic school for a few years, I have never been a supporter of Catholic schools. I have always questioned those who move into a community like Canfield and then send their kids to very expensive parochial schools after paying very high taxes to the local school system. I am now changing my position.

I have come to the conclusion that America is experiencing a values crisis. While emphasizing social justice issues in the school, including extreme environmentalism, public schools have left basic values out in the cold. If “Thou shalt not kill” is not on the school wall, where are students supposed to learn it? Sure, schools discourage aggressive behavior, but rather than relying on a universal or greater code of ethics, it relies on punishment.

A case in point is the six year old boy who pointed his finger like a gun at a fellow student in general horseplay. The school suspended him (although it was later rescinded). A school psychologist when questioned about the incident said there were many layers to the issue. Really? The kid is six. How many layers could there be?  Don't show these kids violence 24/7 on television and movies then tell them no-no at school.  He is SIX. 

True values must be established in the context of something bigger than everyday life. For me, it came from a Catholic education both in and out of the Catholic school system. Progressive secularism teaches relevancy…not right and wrong. Suspending a six year old for doing what six year olds do shows how low the public schools have stooped in an effort to compensate for a complete failure of instilling common courtesies and standards of behavior through a value system that can be carried by students throughout life. There are no life guideposts for those graduating from our public school system…just government.

Although my son went to a public school, we made a concerted effort to give him religious training on a regular basis. The same can be said for Jews and Greeks that attend public schools. The parents make sure their children are exposed to religious training on a regular basis be it Hebrew School or Greek School. But in the 21st Century, too many parents are too willing to abdicate their responsibility to the schools, and the schools are failing miserably in their locus parentis responsibility.

At the end of the day, you cannot teach values without God…and you can’t get an education without values. Maybe it’s time re-examine the role of parochial school in our society. Vouchers are looking better by the day.

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