Friday, January 18, 2013

23 Executive Non-Orders

Read Executive Orders Here

Amid much fanfare, President Obama put on a good show announcing his plan to deal with massacres such as was experienced at the Sandy Hook Elementary School. Look up "lost opportunity" in the dictionary and you will find a picture of Barack Obama standing midst little children announcing with pompacity his 23 executive orders to help prevent this from ever happening again. Really?

The media was positively orgasmic as they covered the event. The NRA (I am a proud member) acted appropriately incensed at the usurping of American freedom and the assault on the 2nd Amendment. The joke, however, was on the American public. The 23 executive orders did NOTHING to solve the problem in the greatest sleight of hand Obama has pulled since taking office. What a crock!!! What a shame!!!

Most all of what he "ordered" was nothing more than finally doing what he should have done years ago. There were a few legislative initiatives, and the rest was clarification of some badly written laws. All of this after Joe Biden put on a dog and pony thing for several days “looking for solutions.” The public should be outraged that a serious effort to understand these mass murders is not being undertaken. There will be no debate. There will be no action. There will be no solution. There will be a lot of useless pontificating that amounts to nothing.

It doesn’t diminish the tragedy at Sandy Hook to say that however tragic that event and events like it are, most gun violence takes place on the streets. Mass shootings are horrible things, but more people were killed on the streets of Chicago than were killed in Afghanistan in 2012. And while gun violence has gone up in America, the overall crime rate has actually gone done substantially the past ten years bad economic times notwithstanding while going up in equal measure in countries like Great Britain.

Getting rid of guns is one of liberalism holy grails…for many reasons…none of which really has to do with eliminating Sandy Hook like massacres. Statistics show over and over and over again that states with concealed carry laws have much less violence than those without. There are over 300 million guns in the United States. The bad guys will always have guns, including the types of guns which are the focus of current gun control efforts. Good guys have guns gives the bad guys pause.

No matter that the liberal media is demonizing Wayne LaPierre and his NRA, he is right. The nation needs much self reflection on what we are doing to our kids. There are too many crazies walking the streets. Violence is EVERYWHERE…on television…in comic books…in movies….in video games. Values have been destroyed. Parents are self absorbed and ignoring their children. The list goes on and on. These are the kinds of issues that will help to stop crazy people from shooting our children.

Most importantly, we need armed guards in the schools. A “gun free zone” sign in the window won’t stop a nut job from killing whomever he/she wants. A locked door won’t do it either. The Sandy Hook murderer shot out the windows. Had the principal and/or guidance counselor and/or janitor had a gun, this could have been stopped.

To Obama’s credit, buried in his 23 executive “non-orders” was a recommendation for increased school security; translate armed guards in the schools. Good for him. But all of the other stuff doesn’t do one thing to look at the root of the problem. It’s not guns. It’s our culture that is the culprit, and the moral relativism of liberalism will never examine what it has wrought.

1 comment:

Jim DeLaney said...

Increased security in schools is a good idea - but not by arming teachers! Arming teachers would eventually lead to one of them 'going postal' and shooting their own class. Little doubt about it.

On another note, last week VP Biden actually told the NRA that "We don't have the time to prosecute people who lie on their gun purchase background check documents." But we need more laws? Lying on a background check is a felony - but we don't/won't enforce it! Why do we need more laws when we don't enforce the existing ones?