Friday, September 21, 2012

Just a Spoonfull of Sugar...

Bill O’Reilly had it right tonight. In a normal world, Barack Obama’s numbers would be in the dumper. The economy is bad…it is getting worse. Gas is high. The middle class is being squeezed in all directions. 47 million Americans are now on food stamps compared to the 17 million when Bill Clinton was president. Gas is close to $4.00/gallon (I paid $4.25 tonight).

In Ohio, median income is down to 17% to a 27 year low, 39th in the union. The unemployment rate is over 8.2%. So…why is Obama pulling ahead in states like Ohio to the point Rush Limbaugh said today Romney will lose Ohio? O’Reilly said it’s because Americans are living in a fantasy world rooted in the internet, cell phones and tablets. They are mesmerized to the point they actually retreat into an alternate universe totally unaware that Rome is burning. Add to it cable television with 150 channels, you can go through life completely oblivious to what is going on around. This is more than a spoonful of sugar. It’s the whole freakin’ bag.

The news media is the icing on the cake of this faux world in which Americans find themselves. They simply don’t report the news. The Mideast is in turmoil after a 9/11 terrorist attack that killed our Ambassador who was tortured for hours....and the media did reported on Romney’s tax returns. Those that did report the story bought Obama’s line about it being rooted in a video on You Tube. Really? Worked for CNN and NBC…end of story!! This is dangerous stuff. Americans have always had at least an “idée” about what was going on around them. Now they have given up and retreated. Too many baby boomers…let them die. People unemployed, who cares? The campaign ads are just plain lies. But they are on television so they must be true.

This is a dangerous course. Sooner or later things will spin so far out of control the American public will have to take notice. By then it will be too late. The most obvious comparison is Germany in the 1930’s that danced away as the National Socialists came to power, living in a world of night clubs and beer halls, not exactly the internet but the equivalent of the day. Things were so bad the country went on a toot while the Nazis were left to fix things as best they could.

Obama isn’t a Nazi, but he is a socialist. The left uses the same approach to politics. Tell the lie long enough and everyone will believe it. Start up the propaganda machine. Find an enemy on which to focus public opinion. For Obama, hate the rich. They succeeded on your back. You didn’t build that. Threaten those who oppose you. Meanwhile, he is cavorting with some of the richest people in the world with towers of golden champagne bottles at his fundraisers and his wife and her entourage taking extravagant vacations. It’s the oldest trick in the book, and Americans are falling for it hook, line and sinker. If Obama says blame the rich while courting the rich…you can bet your bottom dollar, and you are, that you will be paying the price.

Folks…America needs to wake up from its Obama stupor and look at the facts. There is no good end to this story. By the time America reaches the end of the story, it will be too late. The spoonful of sugar will no longer be able to mask the horrible medicine America will be facing.

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