Monday, March 26, 2012

Supremes Meet Obamacare

So now the health care debate is in front of the United States Supreme Court. At the end of the day, this is a win/win situation for the Republicans. If the court decides that the individual mandate is unconstitutional, the Republicans, and for that matter a majority of Americans, get what they want. If the Supremes decide it is constitutional, the Republican base will rally and vote in droves to elect a Republican president and senate. Bye Bye Obamacare either way.

The pundits are all over the place as to how this might turn out. There are certainly legal grounds to find it constitutional if you follow court approval of the expansion of the commerce clause over the years. But there is also dicta in those cases stating that the power of the federal government is not absolute. Where that line is nobody knows. This may be it.

I personally feel the Supreme Court does not operate in a vacuum. They saw the chicanery and manipulations used when the bill was passed. They have seen the polls and understand this was foisted on a public that didn’t, and still doesn’t, want it. They know the ideologues in Congress voted for this without reading it…and that the majority in Congress and President were elected not because the public wanted these guys, it was because of a worldwide economic meltdown. They also know Obama dissed them in front of the nation at a State of the Union address. It’s not nice to mess with the Supreme Court.

And finally, at the same time they are hearing arguments, the are observing the debate over Dick Cheney’s heart transplant, and understanding that if Obamacare was operating now, Dick Cheney, the former Vice-President of the United States, would be deemed too old to get a heart transplant by the 15 member non-elected economic justification panel. This is the death panel that we were told didn't exist.  Wait until they do it to one of your loved ones.

America is now going to learn the lesson that once you give away your freedom to a government filled with people who know what is best for you, you will never get that freedom back. “Oh..they won’t do any of that stuff” you might say. Look at Mayor Bloomberg in New York who would march into your house and remove the salt from your shelves if he were able. He is the food police and New Yorkers should be afraid. His is fanatical nut, and he is raiding schools, public office buildings and parks, restaurants, and now food banks. This is what Obamacare will bring you. Panels deciding if you are too old for treatment, and panels deciding everything about your life including what you eat, what you drive, what you wear, and how much you should weigh.

George Orwell’s 1984 is here...a little late..but here nonetheless.

These are the things that will not be presented in the Supreme Court arguments. But these are smart people. They can come to the same conclusion I do just by watching the news. There may be three days of oral arguments, but I guaranty you these justices have already made up there minds.

My prediction: I am predicting a 6 - 3 decision......that could fall either way.  And either way...the Republicans will control the Presidency and both houses of Congress in January of next year!!!!

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