Sunday, March 11, 2012

Is your Daughter or Wife a MILF? Bill Maher knows!!!


Is your wife or daughter a MILF? Those of you who know me know that my language tends to be salty like my food. But I never heard that one before. So I looked it up. It is an acronym. It is disgusting. Google it if you are curious.

In the debate started by now outed Democratic Activist Sandra Fluke ( who apparently can’t afford $9.00/month for her birth control pills but can afford to fly from DC to California for a fun filled week with her boyfriend...with or without her pills), Rush Limbaugh called her slut and the left wing press went ballistic. But hidden under the veneer of righteous indignation was a rotten core and deplorable history of misogynistic comments about conservative women and their minor children from those currently casting the first stones.

There are several of these vile commentators. But at the top of the list is Bill Maher. I wrote about his vitriol years ago, and no one paid attention. “He’s a comic,” they said. Not really. His weekly show on HBO is a liberal Rush Limbaugh on steroids. It is 100% political complete with a guest panel that discusses political issues almost exclusively…mostly focused on atheism, gay rights, race and sex…lots and lots of sex. He does have conservatives on the panel from time to time, but their purpose seems to be that of foils or targets. They are mocked and made fools of. Just because he opens with a monologue doesn’t make him a satirist or comic. For those liberals reading this essay who have never listened to Rush Limbaugh…he too opens with a monologue, as does Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly (Talking Points).

I stopped watching Bill Maher when he introduced a song which repeatedly called George Bush a douche bag. In turn, he repeated the line verbally over and over and over again. He did this several weeks in a row, and it became apparent he wasn’t a comic, just a hateful, Godless individual who despised pretty much everybody but himself and those like him.

At the top of the page is a very small compilation of the continual amount of hate spewed from this man’s mouth. And yet Barack Obama, while crying about his daughters and their right to live without hateful comments about their gender, refused to answer questions about Bill Maher’s years of verbal garbage…and then was silent about his Super PAC accepting a $1,000,000.00 donation from this slime ball.  If you want to know who Barack Obama is, you have to look no further than this.

Bill Maher, who is no dummy, instinctively knew he would be in trouble and actually came to Rush Limbaugh’s defense. I wonder why? The always grandstanding Gloria Allred is less forgiving, and has written the Palm Beach County Prosecutor requesting that Rush Limbaugh be jailed for using hate speech (and you wonder why I am a Republican). Maybe Bill Maher, and for that matter David Letterman, ought to call her and have a discussion.  How about a jail cell for two?

The conservative movement has its moments of regretful comments and behavior. But nothing can touch the left’s degradation of women not only verbally by the likes of Bill Maher, but in its continued political support in defense of Islamists who will stone a woman to death if she even talks to a man who isn’t her husband, let alone give her a driver's license. Maybe Bill Maher should move to Saudi Arabia, or Iraq, or Iran, or Afghanistan. One former Congresswoman who was on the receiving end of his disgusting and vile attacks called him a pig.  I agree.  You should too.

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