Monday, March 5, 2012

Our Afghan Apology Shame

So I want to understand this. Terrorist prisoners in Afghanistan are passing notes to each other in Korans and other books in a military prison library. The army discovers what is going on, removes the books and destroys the note laden books by burning them. The radical Islamist whack jobs then take to the streets rioting and causing all sorts of trouble. In the process, six Americans are killed including embassy officials who are shot in the back of the head. Meanwhile, in a mini apology tour redux, Obama says he is sorry to an Afghan government whose very continued existence is owed to those same troops being killed by their people, and promises to bring the perpetrators to justice.

Meanwhile, in Iran, home of another bunch of Islamist whack-a-doodles, a Christian minister is condemned to death for converting from Islam to Christianity. And in just about every other Islamic country, it is illegal to bring in a bible punishable by mutilation, imprisonment, or death. Let’s not forget 9-11, and all of the billions upon billions of dollars spent in Afghanistan and Iraq saving those people from tyrants of varying degrees, Afghanistan being the worst where you could be executed for listening to a radio.

I am sick of these Muslim idiots. I am tired of being concerned we are offending them. These people are barbaric in every sense of the word. No religious belief justifies what is going on in these countries. And I can’t think of one damn thing that we should “apologize” to them for now, or at any time in the past. I am also tired of “respecting the office” of the Presidency when Obama has destroyed any dignity associated with that office by idiotic and asinine decisions like apologizing to these Islamic nutcases.

It’s time to put an end to all of this stuff. Iraq owes us oil for saving their ass. Libya owes us oil for saving their ass. Afghanistan has no oil, but plenty of other minerals that could mined if they only would quit praying five times a day and growing opium and go to work!!! And while they are at it, quit beating up on their women and homosexuals. Enough.

This election year evil is an issue. These people are evil. History has shown repeatedly the cowering in the face of evil doesn’t work. You can’t appease. You can’t accommodate. You can only kill and wipe these cockroaches out. It is incomprehensible that we continue to give these horrible people and deeply flawed cultures money. Cut them off. Let the Saudis take care of them. Let the Saudis, the birthplace of the Taliban, take care of the poverty in Afghanistan, and in Egypt, and in the other non-oil Arab states. If Iran wants a nuclear bomb, let the Saudis deal with them. But they won’t. The Saudis are willing to let us do what they are afraid to do, and too cheap to do, and too smart to do themselves.

North America has the means to be energy independent if we choose to be. We have sufficient natural gas and coal for generations to come. Instead, we choose to put up with this bull crap.

Enough. Obama should be ashamed of himself. His apology has certainly shamed this nation.

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