Monday, October 31, 2011

The Most Vile Kind of Racism - The Caning of Cain

I intended the topic of this week’s Rant to be how I “got” the Herman Cain's smoking television ad that everyone was dissing this past week. (See the video on the MKIA page) It’s abstract political art and genius. In thirty seconds, Cain tells the do-gooders to shove it where the sun don’t shine. That ad, smoking and all, represents the American spirit…Don’t Tread on Me!!!!

Then the ugly hit. The Politic, in what was nothing less than a hit piece, wrote a story about Herman Cain’s alleged sexual harassment of two female employees of the National Restaurant Association. Wow. But then it went on to say that the allegations were based on physical gestures that may, or may not, be interperated as being sexual. It was clear there was no touching. There may have been some verbal communication, and perhaps a gesture. The Association settled with these two ladies for what CNN called a "five figure" settlement, approximately $10,000.00 to make the problem go away.

This story is so wrong on so many levels, it would laughable if it weren’t a racist hatchet job of the worst kind. Ann Coulter said it best. Nothing threatens the liberal establishment more than a successful conservative black man. It shakes the very foundation of plantation liberalism that believes the African American community has to be taken care of, and they in turn will give the Democrats their unending homage and votes. I find it personally disgusting.

All of the innuendo was second hand hearsay at best. The worst claim was he propositioned these women. Have you ever propositioned a woman? Hey, babe, how about coming back to my apartment. No? Really? That is not sexual harassment. That is called hooking up, and is as American as apple pie. Cain claims the gesture he made was telling one of the women that she was as tall as his wife, lifting his hand to his chin. Okay…but even if it was worse…maybe giving someone the finger. Or maybe dropping the F bomb in an office setting (one of my favorite things to do…seriously)…none of this merits what is going on right now. That, my friends, is how most of us live today.

Even at that, I have written that the standard for this type of behavior is oral sex in the oval office, sitting at the Presidential desk, with a 20 year old intern (not to mention the alleged rape of another and more sexcapades with still another). That is where we as a nation have set the bar as to what is acceptable sexual behavior. Teddy Kennedy driving a girl to her death then leaving the scene of the accident is okay. Martin Luther King’s peccadilloes are okay. We won’t even talk about Jesse Jackson. John Edwards cheating on his dying wife is okay (but not using campaign funds to cover it up…that is not okay).

Once again, as with Clarence Thomas, the way to derail a powerful conservative black man is to raise the specter of sexual impropriety of the worst kind. Watching CNN tonight I was physically sickened as Wolf Blitzer interviewed the author of the Politico article completely ignoring that even according to the article he wrote, what happened was open to interpretation. Even Fox News commentators had jumped to a “cover up” mentality  forgetting that for there to be a cover up, there has to be something to cover up!!!!

When this type of base politics rises to the surface by a bunch of pig reporters that is when I am sorry that I am involved in our political system if only in a minimalist manner. With all that this country is facing, the Politico and other media that is propagating this racist bile should be ashamed.

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