Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Dudes. Let's Occupy Wall Street...got a joint?

So the now the truth is out as to just where the President hangs on the issues. His class warfare rhetoric, either by chance or design, has rallied his “peeps” under the banner of “occupy Wall Street.” Thousands of leftists and anarchists and God knows who else, have taken up residence in front of the New York Stock Exchange calling for an end to capitalism and worse. Supporters like Michael Moore and Roseanne Barr have made such incendiary comments saying all of the bankers should be beheaded, and the people should march into the banks and take what they want. It is going to get worse.  Today they are going to march on the private homes of the "rich".  Shame on them.

The press has gone gaga at the gogo of these folks. The glory days of the sixties are back again with the radicals marching in the streets. They call these folks the left wing Tea Party. Nice sentiment, but far from the truth. While the Tea Party people brought their families, and sang patriotic songs and prayed…these folks are outrageously vulgar, have no clear vision other than hate, and are vile and violent. Seven hundred were arrested last week on the Brooklyn Bridge, and now they are suing New York and Mayor Bloomberg. Pardon me while I smirk about Mayor Busy Body. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy!!! Hey Mayor, want some salt for your burger? Why not require the "movement" to post calorie counts on whatever it is they are eating.  Are you arresting them for smoking in a public place?

Add to the mix an assortment of Obama supporters feeding the beast. George Soros and Moveon.org have thrown their financial support behind these folks, especially as the “movement” spreads to other cities. And guess who else showed up!! Why it’s the public employee unions and SEIU…Obama supporters all. Add the mix Obama’s radical friends like Van Jones, and it is just one big happy socialist “let’s go blow up the Pentagon” family.  How about those pre-printed signs!!  Look for the union label.

I don’t think it is a coincidence that this group blossomed from Obama’s hate the rich rhetoric. And given the presence of the unions and Soros and a plethora of Acorn-esque organizations, this is community organizing in its purist form. This is what these people do, and no one can tell me that Obama is not behind these marches. This is the change and post partisan politics promised by this president.

This piggy backs on the comments by the Democratic Governor of North Carolina who said that we should forego elections this time around so Congress can work in a non-political atmosphere. Sounds goods…except the scandals are growing. Both financially busted Solyndro and the Fast and Furious gun scandal is going to reach right into the inner circles of the White House. These are serious issues that had they occurred in a Republican White House, the mainstream press would be shouting for the impeachment and special prosecutors. Here, the fair hair boy and his posse barely get a mention on the news, right behind the story about a sign on Rick Perry’s father’s rented ranch allegedly naming part of the landscape "Nigger Rock", which may or may not have been there six months ago or longer…depending on whose story you choose to believe.

To paraphrase Herman Cain, if these folks aren’t rich, don’t blame the people who are They should blame themselves.  Don't steal somebody elses Cadillac.

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