Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Little Mustard with that Wiener (Weiner)?

Congressman Chris Lee(R) Resigns

Congressman Anthony Weiner(D) Refuses to Resign

Now I know the difference between a Republican and a Democrat. A Republican, after being caught with his pants down and pictures being scattered across the internet, resigns. A Democrat does not. This latest congressional peccadillo involving Congressman Anthony Weiner from New York City shows the spirit of Bill Clinton is alive and well in the halls of Congress.

This little wiener has reached new lows in hubris and narcissism. The scope of his online and telephone sexual escapades is growing by the day. I am sure there will be more to come. It has been pitiful watching this arrogant SOB wallow on television as he plays out his own inability to come to terms with his problems. Not only did he lie to Congress, the press, his constituents and his family last week, he used left wing attack groups such as Salon.com, The Dailey Kos, Media Matters, and MoveOn.org to blame conservative activist Andrew Breitbart for his problems. Breitbart now holds an outright explicit photo of Congressman Weiner, fully loaded, so to speak, which he is burying to save the Congressman’s family.  Weiner even introduced a bill into Congress to go after sexual predators on the internet and wrote about it at length on his Congressional web site.

Meanwhile, Republican Congressman Chris Lee resigned immediately upon disclosure of his sending a shirtless picture of himself over the internet last February. It was almost a non-issue, the Congressman moving quickly to avoid embarrassment to his family and the Republican Party. His Republican district just elected a Democrat after the Democratic Party ran ads showing Congressman Paul Ryan pushing an old lady in a wheel chair over a cliff.

I don’t like wallowing in other people’s misery. Bill Clinton set the standard as to what acceptable sexual practices in the White House. Anything short of sex in the Oval Office with a barely of age intern is apparently acceptable in the American value system. Internet and phone sex between a Congressman and another consenting adult doesn’t reach that level of perversion.

On the other hand, Congressman Weiner is a sanctimonious, arrogant little weasel, sex or no sex. He has a cocky (no pun intended) attitude. He has disdain for the American public. He represents the worst of Congressional politics generally. He is a liberal among liberals who has shown a major penchant towards spending other people’s money and thumbing his nose while he is doing it. He was media darling for awhile because he always put on a good show, but as of late has been overlooked interviews because he is just plain obnoxious.

He, along with Charlie Rangel, represents the worst the Democratic Party has to offer. That is the type of attitude we find in many of our office holders here in Mahoning County, and I find personally disgusting and distasteful. These hangers on who are all too willing to sit in judgment on everybody else while unable to admit their own foibles and shortcomings (again, no pun intended) represent politics at its worst. Minimally these folks have a defective value system and have very bad judgment. What kind of a Congressman would post a picture of his private parts on the internet? Would you want him to represent you?

Mr. Wiener should resign now, and save the country and his party another year of investigations and possible additional scandals. There are too many important things facing the country to waste any more time on Mr. Weiner’s ability to come to terms with his predilections and mental health issues. This is not a story that should be played out on the national stage.

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