Monday, June 27, 2011

WFMJ Meets the Declaration of Independence Meets McDonald's Coffee

So it was five in the AM and I was watching the WFMJ Good Morning program today. It came time for the call in game segment of the program…you know…the one where people who don’t know their name call in for a chance to win a prize-pak consisting of a small McDonald’s coffee…and….well…a small McDonald’s coffee. What some people won’t do for a small McDonald’s coffee.

Being the 4th of July and all, WFMJ decided to ask some patriotic questions. This morning’s question was “What is the opening line of the Declaration of Independence?” Some guy called in from who knows where. He spent the weekend doing some four wheeling stuff.  He was given three choices:

1) When in the course of human events it becomes necessary….
2) Give me liberty or give me death.
3) Four score and seven years ago….

After some contemplative thinking, he picked “Four score and seven years ago….” I almost wet my pants. Not only did this guy NOT know the Declaration of Independence, he obviously didn’t know the Gettysburg address either. He must have slept through his history or civic classes, if he had any.

But it's not funny. In fact, it is pitiful. It is absolutely indicative of what is going in America today. I don’t blame this guy one bit. This is what our schools are producing. We had to memorize the Gettysburg Address when I was in 5th grade. We also had to memorize large portions of the Declaration of Independence, and studied the meaning behind these documents. This is America's foundation.

Why am I not surprised? Schools today worry about everything but what they are supposed to…teach the students. In Maryland, the state Board of Education, by decree, stated that all students in Maryland must graduate environmentally literate, whatever that means. Although guidelines have yet to be established, the environmental group charged with promulgating these standards has already said it wall contain knowledge of global warming, the waste of nature’s resources by mankind…you get the picture. It will be a propaganda indoctrination program.

And in the process, because there are only so many school hours in a day and so many school days in a year, other things will have to be shoved out for the left wing educators to mold the minds of our impressionable young people as to the evil ways of man…and to ride bikes instead of driving cars. Certainly there will be NO room for evil items like the Pledge of Allegiance, the Declaration of Independence, and the Gettysburg Address. No, those items stem from the racist bourgeoisie that founded this country. Global warming must trump everything, including our Constitution if they even bother to teach that we have one.

Governor Kasich sent his assistant to the Valley last week to talk with teachers about the merits of Merit Pay or the lack thereof. My wife attended the meeting. Midway through the session, another teacher stood up and said that the schools have to move to protect children. We have to keep the schools open to 10:00 at night to provide a safe haven for our kids…and to make sure that they get three meals a day. The schools must step up to the plate. Huh? My wife was dumbfounded, and asked this “educator” who is going to pay for all of this? Her question was met with stoic silence and rebuke.

So there you have it. Schools are becoming propaganda vehicles for the left wing environmentalists, and they want to keep the kids in school until 10:00 at night to make sure their minds aren’t polluted with ideas that might come from the families that are supposedly responsible for them.

No wonder the four wheeling dude couldn’t answer the WFMJ question. Guess he will have to spring for that small McDonald’s coffee himself. I would pay for a small McDonald's coffee if that would help fix the problem.

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