Thursday, January 27, 2011

Who Pays? Pantalone!!!

They saying goes fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Let me see, after two nightmare years of unchecked liberal claptrap, spending more money than in the entire history of the United States combined, Congressional closed door meetings expelling and excluding all Congressional Republicans from deliberations on the most significant piece of legislation in a hundred years; after dissing the Chamber of Commerce; vilifying insurance companies, steel companies, oil companies; after telling those who opposed his policies to go to the back of the bus…we are now supposed to believe that this jack ass is “Reaganesque” and “Clintonesque”?

Mr. President, you ran for office saying exactly the same things you said in the State of the Union address, then you literally shoved it up our proverbial you know what. We are supposed to believe you NOW?? No way Jose!!! Take that and you shove it up your Arizona lawsuit. We don’t believe you anymore.

Do I sound angry? I am. I watched all of the major networks say how Obama is moving to the center. He is following the path of Bill Clinton. He is like Ronald Reagan. Really? If I remember correctly, when Reagan was President, the press did everything but crucify him, making continual references to his wife being “imperial” and he being “dumb”…took lots of naps…Bedtime for Bonzo. Now Obama is “Reagan-esque”? Puhleeez.

This guy is the most liberal President this country has ever seen. In real life, he had six months business experience then quit because he couldn’t take it. Notwithstanding his law degree, his working experience as a “community organizer” makes him a social worker. There is nothing wrong with that…just not in the White House during the worst economic catastrophe since the Great Depression. When elected, he was no more qualified to be President than me.

This guy will not change his spots. No matter how they dress him up or how they try to sell this so called move to the middle, at the end of the day, he is a guy with a stolen credit unable to contain his compulsion to spend. That translates over to his personal life. He is addicted to an imperial lifestyle like none this nation has ever witnessed before.

He has yet to answer the question, who is going to pay for all of his largesse? The amount of money he has borrowed is beyond human comprehension. Who pays? As my Italian grandmother used say…Pantalone pays. When asked who was Pantalone…she shrugged her shoulders. In a word, he doesn’t give a damn. You, my fellow Americans, are Pandelone.

He is not Ronald Reagan who made this county stand tall not bowing to the leaders of other nations; standing up to the communists. America first. America last. America always.

You want to help create jobs and innovation, Mr. President? Get the hell out of the way. Stand tough with the Chinese. You can do your environmental thing…but drill for oil in the meantime. And put reasonable restrictions on the EPA. Simplify the tax code. Reduce taxes on corporate profits. Hang tough with the public employee unions.

No, I don’t buy this move to the center one bit. As with all things Barack Obama, always look at what he does. Not what he says. And you won’t like what you will see.

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