Thursday, January 6, 2011

Go Paint on the Beach

Today marks the beginning of the 112th Congress. The long two year nightmare of leftist rule in America is over as the Republicans take control of the House and exercise substantially more leverage in the Senate. Watching the parting the comments from the Democratic leadership, particularly Nancy Pelosi, is dumbfounding. She actually got in front of the cameras and stated that the Democrats always practiced fiscal restraint. Their mantra was “pay as you go.” She is either a liar, delusional, or thinks the American public is stupid. I suspect it is a combination of all of the above.

The American public has yet to understand the damage done to this country over the past two years. We are going to be ten years undoing the mess. The Democratic Party has morphed from a common sense, no nonsense, defender of the common man, into a leftist, almost socialist, ideological driven party based on some undefined concept of fairness. I still can’t believe some of the things I’ve seen the last two years. Nancy Pelosi stood in front of the cameras last year and had a John Lennon “Imagine” moment when she said imagine a world where a painter can go to the beach to paint and not worry about health care. Nancy…somebody has to pay for that.

If this sounds rambling, it is. Watching supposedly responsible, rational people steal the nation’s credit card and max it out with no rationality at all is beyond my comprehension level. America fools around with liberalism every twenty years or so, but this time, My God!! If I can’t comprehend what happened, the nation probably isn’t doing much better. Rush Limbaugh likened dealing with what happen to pealing an onion. You have to undo it layer by layer.

And it has ramifications. My business managed to squeeze out a $1,000.00 surplus last month. I went to buy a ten year Treasury note which was paying about 3.4% interest, a multi-year high. My broker didn’t want to sell it to me. He said I could do much better with corporate bonds. “What if there is a problem and the company goes bankrupt?” I asked. He said bond holders are a priority in bankruptcy court. I responded just like the bondholders in the General Motors bankruptcy. The government unilaterally came in and rearranged the creditor priority list contra to established law. The bond holders got screwed. Sure gives me a lot of confidence. He sold me the the Treasury note without another word.

Since the November elections, business confidence is beginning to rise. Private sector jobs are being created. The Republicans forced Obama and his leftist cadre to extend the Bush tax for those who produce the jobs in the country. People can finally make plans knowing that there is a check and balance on the power of an out of control Federal government.

Who knows? I might decide to quit my job and go paint on the beach, but at least Congress will finally understand that someone has to pay the bill for my dreams…and that person should be me.

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