Friday, April 9, 2010

Tiger Overload

This week I have reached the saturation point with Tiger Woods. Enough, already!! When all the flap started about his peccadilloes several months ago, I concluded that none of this was anybody’s business except for the Woods family. While Mrs. Woods chasing Tiger with a golf club down the driveway as he drove away is a great story, this has gone on way too long.

If Tiger Woods wants to have sex with porn stars or anyone else with a bosom and two legs, that’s up to him. Do I approve? No. But more power to him if it makes him happy. He has the money, and had earned to the right to do what he wants without the public judging him. I have written many times before, the standard for what is acceptable sexual behavior by our celebrities and politicians was established by Bill Clinton. Anything less than oral sex in the Oval Office with a barely legal intern is apparently okay. At least Tiger didn’t do that.

By the same token, Tiger’s Mea Culpa tour was just plain stupid and bordered on somewhat disgusting. It’s bad enough we had to endure Obama apology tour, how much of Tiger’s remorse did we have to be subjected to. If you want to go to a sex addict clinic, please don’t tell me. That just encourages CNN to give detailed treatment description with what is clearly too much information. And if you want to throw in a substance abuse clinic, I don’t really need to know that. Most of the people I know are on Prozac and don’t have near the money you have. I should have those sorts of problems.

The Nike commercial is simply stupid, if not bordering on bad taste. The commercial is set up in a way to allow for an infinite number of parodies as is evidenced by You Tube. One thing America has is imagination, and it is being used here.

To use long dead Dad’s voice lecturing you on behavior is ghoulish at best and creepy at worst. I suspect that Tiger’s upbringing was so golf centered, watching everything he did for a possible career, he never had a “rebellious” period. Daddy croaking removed the impediment to sowing his wild oats. How much fun could he have had as a young man? Dude, now’s the time to do it while you have the strength! You're the best damn golfer in history, do what you want. As a seventy year old client once told me, he used to think that sex was the best thing on earth. Now he would settle for a good bowel movement.

Between John Edwards and Mark Sanford and Tiger Woods, it’s clear to me that America has an insatiable appetite for sex scandal stories notwithstanding their relevance to anything in our lives. America…get over it!!! People screw around. Live with it!!

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