Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Government is Watching...YOU!!!

Freedom Loss Creep is scary because it happens so slowly you don’t realize what you have lost until it is gone. Then it is too late. But since Obama’s inauguration, it has morphed into a Freedom Loss Sprint. It is happening so fast, our minds can’t comprehend it or accept it. But it’s happening folks, and you should be concerned.

Tucked in the financial reform legislation is another new government agency whose job it is to monitor risk. The “how’s” and the “why’s” and the “what for’s” of this super agency are still being debated. It may end up as part of the FDIC, or part of the Federal Reserve, or simply a new stand alone mega-agency. But this is going to be a bad dude.

This agency will have the power and authority to monitor every financial transaction in the United States. It will have access to your brokerage accounts, and monitor what you are trading or in what you are investing. Ostensibly, it will then use some computer model to see if anything “risky” is developing and warn appropriate authorities so they can make adjustments to policy.

Of course, they say, they really aren’t interested in what you are doing individually. Just what the collective result is…so they say. Do you want the government watching every single transaction you make?

In the past year, here is what America has turned into.

1) Under the new health care legislation, the government is forming a super agency to monitor all of your medical activity. It will be kept on file in a central computer…to keep you safe. And to make sure you aren’t getting too much medical care.

2) Under the new health care legislation, the government is expanding the role of the Internal Service to monitor your health insurance policies, or lack thereof, just to make sure the fit what the government says you should own…or that you have one in the first place…just to be fair. Of course, if you don’t have a policy, you will be fined.

3) Under the proposed legislation from the Federal Communications Commission, the government would monitor every piece of communication over the internet in order to make sure it is being used “fairly”. The Supreme Court threw that one out.

4) Under the proposed new power grid, the government will monitor exactly how much energy your house is using, and will more likely than not either turn it off or tax it if the government feels you are using too much…just to be fair.

5) The EPA has unilaterally announced that Carbon Dioxide is a deadly gas, and can be regulated by fiat. Just wait to see what happens with that one. A taste of things to come: just wait until you have to buy a light bulb in 2012…then have to dispose of it. There will be separate containers for the trash guys to pick up your broken light bulbs which will be filled with mercury…to save the planet.

6) And now the government wants to monitor and collect data on your financial transactions…to prevent another meltdown.

Is this the kind of America you want to live in?

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