Thursday, April 15, 2010

Socialist Taxes

Today is tax day. The Tea Party people are out in full force and the airwaves are filled with chatter about taxes. Most years the statistics are of passing interest. This year, as the Obama administration increases the national debt exponentially, they are frightening, and we should be concerned. The United States, as we know it, cannot survive if we continue on this path to destruction. Obama said he wanted to “fundamentally change” America. He is, into a European Social Democracy built on a cradle to grave welfare state.

President Obama talks about fundamental fairness. Let’s take a look at some of the figures and you tell me if these are fundamentally fair.

1) Over 50% of wage earning Americans pay NO federal income tax. What they do pay is the Social Security and Medicare tax. And even then many complain. When the Bush administration gave tax “rebates” to stimulate the economy, even those who didn’t pay one penny in taxes got a tax rebate check (translate: handout) because “it wouldn’t be fair.” What’s fair about that?

2) The top 1% of wage earners in the United States paid 40% of all collected federal income tax. The top 10% of wage earners pay 75% of federal income tax. What does that translate to in income? If you earn over $400,000.00/year, you are in the top 1% of wage earners. If you make over $160,000.00/year, you are in the top 10% of wage earners. If you make over $66,000.00/year, you are in the top 25% of wage earners. And if you bring home over $33,000.00/year…you are in the top 50% of wage earners. Does that make you feel wealthy?

3) 20% of all Americans depend on the government for 75% of their income. The next 25% depend on the government for 40% of their income. 40% of all Americans receive more in government benefits than in taxes they pay.

The statistics can go on and on. I'm sure there are many who are snickering and laughing. After all, as long as they are on the receiving end instead of the paying end, what’s it to them? How long do you think a house divided this way can stand?

But even Obama’s economists have concluded that you could increase the top tax rate in the United States to 98%...taking all the wealthy make…and still not make a dent in the deficit as it currently is being incurred by the Obama administration. They are predicting an economic Armageddon.

What is scary is Obama doesn’t seem to care about any of this. So here is the question, how hard would you work if the government would take, let’s say, 60% of every dollar you make? Not very!!! And that means less jobs, and more government reliance.

As Margaret Thatcher said, the trouble with socialism is eventually you run out of other people’s money. And make no mistake about it, Obama is a socialist, which is why he doesn’t care. He is a socialist, and he is doing exactly what he promised, fundamentally changing America. How’s that change working out for you?

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