Thursday, September 10, 2009


In a moment of honesty during last night’s 28th health care address, Republican Congressman Joe Wilson of South Carolina shouted out “You Lie!!!” when Barack Obama stated the proposed House health care bill would not cover aliens. Was it rude? Of course it was. Did it lack decorum? You bet. But it wasn’t any worse than when the Democrats booed George Bush in the 2005 State of the Union Address. Of course, that was different. For the progressive Democrats, it is always different.

Was Congressman Wilson right? Yes he was. Barack Obama has stood in front of the nation and lied, and lied, and lied some more. First, did you notice that 45 million uninsured Americans magically turned into 30 million uninsured Americans in Obama’s speech? That’s because the 45 million included illegal aliens. He finally figured it out. So for the last 4 months he has been lying about the number of uninsured, and he finally admitted it.

Does the health care bill explicitly state it does not cover illegal aliens? Yes it does. But case law and other federal laws prohibit those selling insurance resulting from a public benefit from asking about citizenship. Anyone can go in and buy it with a minimal amount of identification. So guess what…the illegal aliens will go in and buy it…and we wouldn’t even know. Quelle surprise!!!!

Then of course, there is the famous line he has used for the past several months….if you have insurance now and you like it, you can keep your current insurance. He changed that in last night’s speech… now it’s “nothing in this bill compels you to change your insurance.” His previous statement, that he used over and over again, was a lie. Last night’s statement is true. Nothing in the bill compels you to change your insurance. However, as I have repeatedly said, if the policy changes in the list little bit, you are not allowed to keep your insurance. And if your employer decides it’s cheaper to pay the 8% penalty than pay for your insurance, then off you are to the government insurance plan. The Congressional Budget Office estimates under the current House bill, 100 million Americans will lose their current health insurance and be forced onto the government plan. That is different from Obama’s statement last night that only 5% of Americans would go onto the government plan. That is another Obama lie.

As for demeaning the presidency, I think Barack Obama is doing a fair job at that himself. He has opted for celebrity instead of being president with nonstop speeches and television appearances. When does he do any work? Oh ya. He doesn't. Nancy Pelosi is doing it for him. Meanwhile, the stature of the United States is sinking worldwide. Iran is pumping money and supplies into Afghanistan while building the bomb. Hugo Chavez is supporting rebels all through Latin America. But they are leftists, so that's okay. The CIA is in shambles as Obama supporters are outing CIA operatives by showing their pictures to terrorists. Obama is bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia. And last but not least, Obama has surrounded himself with left wing radicals who think the US government engineered the 9/11 attacks and that dogs should have lawyers to sue humans. Things are getting real bad. And you are worried about Joe Wilson?

So, Barack Obama, I agree with Joe Wilson. YOU LIE!!!!! I mailed Congressman Wilson a $50.00 campaign donation today. You should do the same.

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