Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Who is Running the Store?

I continually say that I am absolutely stunned about what I am seeing in Washington. Barack Obama ran for president as a centrist, promising to heal the divisions in the country and to work together. What we got was a left wing partisan who hasn’t had a Republican to the White House since April, and has talked to his Commander in Afghanistan just once in the last 70 days. While he has been out traipsing around the country giving speech after speech after speech, General McChrystal requested 40,000 additional troops for Afghanistan (remember, this was the war that should have been fought according to Obama during the campaign). The request was shelved after Obama said he had to formulate a policy. What the hell has he been doing the past 8 months?

As our foreign policy collapses around us, Obama the Savior has appeared on David Letterman, gave inspiration to the good for nothing United Nations, shut down our missile defense system in eastern Europe, gave a pep talk to his union buddies, and denied he had any knowledge of the problems at Acorn. But in the most stunning, and most idiotic thing I have ever seen a politician do, he decides to go to Copenhagen to pitch for the Olympics going to Chicago. My God!!! The troops are dying in the field, his general says the situation is urgent and critical, and Obama goes to Copenhagen to pitch for the Olympics?

Who is running the show? I have come to conclusion that isn’t Barack Obama. His public appearance schedule speaks volumes about how much of his time he spending studying the issues and formulating policy. Any remaining doubt in my mind that he is an empty suit fronting for someone or something else has been removed. He feels he can go to Copenhagen because someone else is making the decisions. All he has to do is sign the Congressional bills and make a speech. HE SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF HIMSELF.

I am not sure to whom he has abdicated his responsibilities. I suspect it isn’t any one person. I believe there is a core group of ultra left wing radical libs who are determining policy and telling Obama what to do. He has caved to EVERY left wing demand his party has made of him notwithstanding the gross unpopularity of his administration’s policies. Included in the group are most likely George Soros, Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Rahm Emanuel, John Podesta, his chief of staff w/Acorn ties, and various people located in groups like Acorn. These folks are of a like mind, and have fronted Obama in order to achieve they’re radical agenda.

I believe that Obama has very little say or influence on the policies of this country. He is the spoonful of sugar to help make the left wing Socialist medicine go down. My only question is how long will he remain passive to the demands of his left wing base. I suppose whether he grows a pair, so to speak, will depend just how much he likes being President and its attendant perks.

He only needs to look the Europeans that he emulates to learn that those he admired are no longer there. Europe has wised up, and has lurched to the right in France, in Germany, and soon in Great Britain. Germany in particular has made a major shift to the right in its elections this past week. All of Eastern Europe is staunchly right wing. Obama will have to realize that this is the fate that awaits him if he keeps on his current path. Americans are a patient people, but patience is rapidly running out.

In the meantime, midst his appearances on David Letterman, his boogying off the stage at the Black Congressional Caucus dinner, and his trip to Copenhagen, I hope finds time to address issues of Iran and Afghanistan. Our lives depend on it

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