Monday, April 30, 2012

Killing Osama

Barack Obama led with his strong suit this past week, not only taking credit for the death of Osama bin Laden, but also claiming Mitt Romney would not have pursued Obama into Pakistan. He cited a speech in 2008 in which Romney said that we should not concentrate all of our resources into finding one man. Obama and his cohorts conveniently forgot the rest of the speech in which Romney called for a comprehensive anti-terrorist plan on all fronts…not just the bin Laden front. It is a bold move on the part of Obama…playing the bin Laden card so early in the game. He is also claiming degradation of Al Qaeda by his aggressive use of drones to kill other leaders of that terrible organization.

But to me, it appears like an act of desperation. He certainly has the right to crow about his accomplishments. There was the Bin Laden thing…and there was…there was…uh…didn’t he? No, that was something else. Then there was the…no, he bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia. Oh ya…he saved General Motors…but then there was that car dealership thing and he screwed the bondholders….you know…the pension funds holding GM bonds.

The fact of the matter is that the killing of Osama Bin Laden makes Obama a one trick pony. Even then, the assumptions are wrong. The starting point is given the information he had, most of it rooted in George Bush, any president would have done the same thing. It would have been an impeachable offense if he hadn’t. The wonder is that it was so clear even Obama had to go through with it. It wasn’t courageous, it was expected. Would Romney have done it? Of course he would. It was Obama’s ability to do it that was in question.

Obama’s foreign policy is in shambles. We are the laughing stock of the world. Nuclear proliferation is on the upswing. Missiles are being built by Iran and North Korea that can reach Europe and the United States. Al Qaeda may not have a central figure to rally around, but the franchise has spread all over the radical Islamic world and another leader will rise most assuredly. Israel is a sitting duck as Obama pays lip service to Israel’s defense, but like he whispered to the Russian, tell Putin to wait until after the election and I can do what I want. Really? And all branches of our intelligence services are demoralized as Obama and Eric Holder try to prosecute agents for doing what they were told in the previous administratioon.  Shame on Obama and Holder.

I am not the most savvy politico running around, but it appears to me that you don’t take your best ammunition and waste it seven months before the election. It shouldn’t be a warning shot off the bow. It should be the main event. And Obama’s comments today that he just assumes people mean what they say makes him a target for every lie he has told since before the 2008 election, including his desire for higher electric and gasoline prices. Wait a minute…he did what he said what he was going to do.  I guess it was the truth.

Today’s Gallup Poll shows Romney up by a point at a time when the President should be ahead by at least 10. The public isn’t stupid. They know a cheap shot when they see it, and the "Romney wouldn’t go after Bin Laden" harrang makes Obama look petty and small and definitely won't play in Peoria. 

If he keeps it up, people may turn him off altogether. If only I could do that with Anderson Cooper and Wolfe Blitzer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember the 1964 election campaign when Barry Goldwater supposedly had his finger on the A bomb switch.
Obama telling the Russians to wait until he is re-elected and I can do more is much the same rhetoric. What is it he plans to do, hammer this home and plant the question, what does he mean? MGK