Saturday, February 18, 2012

Paying for Somebody Else's Sex

Obama’s attempt to promise free sex "in defense of  women’s reproductive rights” is about as brazen as it gets. This whole pastiche about contraception is a ruse for a new definition of free sex. I am quoting one Democratic operative with the expletive downgraded: “I want to screw who I want, when I want, and I want you to pay for it.”

Feminist Kathleen Sebelius, Health and Human Services Secretary and Dictator, has "mandated" that all insurance policies must provide free birth control to women as well as abortion services. The Catholic Church has said no, and has made it a religious issue. The feminazis are claiming the church is trying to destroy their reproductive rights, and the Church is saying it’s against its religion.

The only real issue here is who is going to pay for your sex? This is all about “free” birth control. Nobody is saying you can’t have access to contraception. What people ARE saying is that they don’t want to pay for YOUR contraception and sexual activity. Pay for it yourself!!!! Anybody can get birth control pills, or a diaphragm, or go to Planned Parenthood for a bargain abortion or morning after pill…and the person desiring those things should pay for it, not me or you. It is not a health issue. It is not an access issue. It is not a poor person’s issue because the debate only applies to those who are working and have health care coverage. The only issue is who is going to pay for protection during sex?  It is a disgusting discussion, and shows just how far our culture has descended…to expect somebody else to pay for your freakin’ birth control.  I vote for the people having sex to pay for whatever protection they want, and leave me alone.

It’s a simple issue, made even more simple because it doesn’t even mention the male’s responsibility in keeping the female partner, who supposedly can afford a whistle and bells cell phone but can’t afford to buy birth control pills, from getting pregnant. Here’s a secret: condoms are cheap. Buy them. Use them. Love them. Feel them. But PAY FOR THEM YOURSELF. I don’t want to pay for your sex.

I like to garden, but I don’t expect anyone else to pay for my garden hose. I like to write, but I don’t expect anyone else to pay for my computer. And I like sex…and I don’t expect anyone else to pay for my protection. And neither should you.  Now you know why we are called an entitlement society!!!

Is this gross? Are you put off by this essay? The sad thing is that this seems to be the only way you can get people to focus on the central issue of the debate. It’s not about the poor woman hauled out by left wing Dominatrix’s who claims she had a cyst that would have killed her but for her birth control pills. That isn’t an issue. If birth control pills are needed to maintain the physical health of a woman with a specific medical need…of course birth control pills would be available through insurance like any other medication. No, this is simply about women who want someone else to pay for their protection. Free love! Free sex!

The abortion provisions, you know the one’s that Obama promised he would never implement but now he has, that is another story for another day. Suffice it to say Planned Parenthood performed 370,000 abortions last year, and they didn’t need health insurance coverage to pay for termination of those babies.

In the meantime…if you can’t afford protection even though you have a job…why not try some personal restraint. It might even build character…and that is directed at both men and women.

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