Monday, February 6, 2012

The Mideast Boiling Over

There are three stories that have sort of made the news midst the Super Bowl hoopla of yesterday and today. The first centers around the outright verbal assault on the nature of our Constitution by Barack Obama and Justice Ginsberg. The second has to do with recent events in Indiana which will make it the fastest growing state in the Midwest. Both of these stories will be addressed in next week’s edition of Mark Knows It All. But one news story has been reported by the media, but the significance of the story has been lost in translation. I don’t understand why it’s not getting more play. It’s the rising turmoil in the Mideast. It is about to boil over, and we should be deeply, deeply concerned.

A friend of mine at lunch the other day asked if he was the only person at the lunch table concerned about Leon Panetta’s comment that Israel would probably attack Iran this spring, So what else is new I thought. But then I saw numerous other stories on the news over the weekend: the bloody civil war in Syria costing thousands of lives and an outright slaughter of innocents; the escalating sectarian violence in Iraq; the ratcheting up of the crisis in Iran; and now the rise of the Islamists in Egypt.

The so called Arab spring touted by a clueless media has turned into a democratic deep freeze. All of that money spent by the United States to assist the dissidents in Egypt has been flushed down the toilet as the Muslim Brotherhood has taken control of the Egyptian Parliament. This past weekend the Egyptian authorities, at the behest of Muslim extremists, prevented nineteen Americans from leaving Egypt, including the son of our Secretary of Transportation, and have threatened to put them on trial for inciting violence. The American ambassador has now invited the Americans to plan for their defense in the United States Embassy. Sound familiar? Egypt is among the top five recipients of American foreign aid. Now you can see what your money bought you.

The Mideast is spinning out of control. Sanctions have failed in stopping Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. American withdrawal from Iraq is resulting in renewal of car bombs and terrorist attacks. Syria is a basket case as Obama fumbles with foreign policy non-decisions. Israel may force the United State to s___ or get off the pot, so to speak.

All of the above is the result of a perceived, weak American president. Shades of Jimmy Carter, much of this could have been avoided if Carter simply would have invaded Iran and got rid of those Ayatollah bastards. Every president since Carter has tip toed around the problem, and now it has festered and is the nucleus of what is becoming the Mideast firestorm.

And what is Obama doing? He is cutting back our military to a status that mirrored America before World War II. The Joint Chiefs are dutifully following the orders of their Commander in Chief…but those who have left the military are sounding the warning.

The media has hidden the dirty underbelly of the Obama administration. It has hidden the poverty, the homelessness, the hunger and despair of an America in debt ridden economic turmoil. Now it is under-reporting the consequences of bad American Mideast foreign policy putting us all at risk.

War is coming, and it will be a humdinger. I only hope that the Egyptian hostage crisis is resolved sooner than the Iranian hostage crisis. When Iran is dropping a bomb on Tel Aviv, or Istanbul, or Paris…or even Miami if launched from Cuba or Venezuela, maybe then the media will finally wake up.

In this case, the watch pot is boiling, and anyone with any sense of history can see it. Be warned.

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