Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Obama Election Strategy: Class Warfare and Racism

In a speech on Monday night, President Obama said the following: “The basic premise that no matter what you look like, no matter where you come from, there’s a place where you can make it if you try … the notion that we’re all in this together, that we look out for one another, that’s at stake in this election.”

That’s kind of hard to disagree with. Republicans have always been for a level playing field. America is a nation of equal opportunity. Obama, however, believes that it is a nation of equal results. That is socialism. That is communism. The Karl Marx’ axiom “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need” is what Obama really wants. He calls it “fairness.” (I think we should call the gender police on Karl Marx for using sexist nouns.)

The Monday night statement, however, is more of an indication as to how he is going to run his election. We already know about the class warfare. Now we are finding out about the race warfare. Veiled in Obama’s platitudes is Obama’s war message for 2012. It’s not our future that it is at stake, it is the future of minorities. Translate: if we elect those nasty racist Republicans, we are screwed.

Is this the uniter that was elected in 2008? He is a divider of the worst type. He has fanned class warfare against the successful and rich. Now he is fanning hostility between the races. His strategy is almost scary, but it foretells of the progressive hope for the future.  This is especially disturbing taken in conjunciton with the pundit Pat Buchanan flap about the chapter in his new book entitled The Death of White America.  The message is the same.  Minority America taking over White America.  How awful is that sentiment!!  We are better nation than this. 

Obama’s campaign strategists have already overtly said they are going to write off the white, blue collar vote. For those of us in the Buckeye state, his people believe Obama can win the election without Ohio. In fact, their electoral vote tally excludes most of the rust belt states with high unemployment. His strategists are probably right about the rust belt states. Talk to union voters privately, and Obama’s support is sketchy at best. In the Youngstown area, the Democratic stronghold in the United States, elected officials are railing against the fracking industry which right now is supplying northeast Ohio with new jobs by the gas well full. The liberal econonsense is not ringing true with the pipefitters union. If Obama if not for the Reagan Democrats, then for whom?

Where does he go for support? The new poor, the permanent underclass, the 50% of Americans who are currently living at poverty level or just above!! These are the folks who have suffered the most under Obama’s regulation nation. And he is going to the minorities. Don’t let those Republican wasps (white, anglo-saxon protestants), and I actually heard that term among the talking heads tonight, wreck your “chances”. They are racist. They hate you.  They are keeping you down.

What a gimmick this racist President is pawning off on the public. Make them poor. Keep them poor, and blame the other guy for being racist. Students of history have seen it before.  This week, Obama’s popularity is at an all time low. 36% of Americans say their biggest fear for 2012 is that Obama will be re-elected. Americans know a con when they see one.

Republicans know that at the end of the day, money is the great equalizer. It doesn’t matter if you are black, or white, or pink with purple spots. All Americans, white Americans, African Americans, Italian American, Hispanic Americans, Jewish Americans and Muslim Americans…know that the color of green…the color of money….knows no race. We may have our disagreements, but we all want prosperity. Obama’s America only promises despair and fighting over a shrinking pie. Our America is one where we help each other prosper, one in which hatred of race and success isn’t preached, one in which we celebrate success and we all keep the fruits of our labor, one in which we are truly Americans.

We need a nation based on hope.  We need a nation based on an expanding economy.  Americans will instinctively work together to make our nation great again.  We are the ship of freedom, and we are all on board together.  No class warfare.  No race warfare.  To paraphrase your statements from the last election, Mr. Obama, there is only the "United" States. 

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