Sunday, January 1, 2012

Breast Feed Your Babies at Home!

Let’s be blunt. America is a nation of easily offended pompous asses whose personal affronts are rooted in their belief that life is all about them. America is now the “me” generation on steroids. These folks, who are offended if the wind blows the wrong way, have raised narcissism to an art form. There is no regard for anyone but them. There is no regard for anyone else’s sensibilities but theirs. They are selfish. They are egocentric. They are emblematic of what is wrong with America today.

Case in point is NASCAR Kasey Khan who tweeted he was offended when he saw a woman breast feeding a baby in the aisle of a supermarket. The media went nuts. How could he tweet such stuff? Shame on him!! Breast feeding is perfectly natural. It is a woman’s right. Blah! Blah! Blah! Instead of standing his ground, Mr. Kahn backpedaled and groveled at the feet of political correctness. What a fool! He should have stood firm.

Here’s a news flash. Of course breast feeding is perfectly natural act. But so is a whole list of other bodily functions and acts; and I don’t want to see, hear or smell any of them in the aisle of a supermarket. Being “perfectly” natural is not an excuse for behavior that would be appropriate elsewhere. You want to breast feed your baby, here’s another news flash…do it at home; or at least do the rest of us the courtesy of doing it in private. I don’t want to see a boob hanging out of a blouse, or any of those other garments that pass for women's tops, in a grocery store anymore than I want to see a man’s hoo-ha or a hairy butt crack.

Has all decency gone from this country? Breast feeding supermarket lady…the only thing that is offensive is your behavior. Please have some courtesy to those around you. You think it’s cool? It’s not. And I am not going to be shamed into saying anything other than what it is. The world is not all about you. There are others who live here.  Standards of behavior have to exist otherwise we would all simply live in a "clothes are optional world."  Life does have its No Shirt/No Shoes/No service equivalent.

Common decency and respect for others is kaput in this country. Life has gotten tough in the United States because several generations of people have decided that world revolves around them, and everyone else should conform to their entitlement arrogance. Enough!!! Until we learn how to respect each other, and realize that some restraint is good, things will continue to get rapidly worse than they are now.

Kasey Kahn should not have retracted his honest statement. Even if he was wrong in his opinion, and he wasn't, he has as much right to express his opinion about breast feeding in the aisle of a supermarket as those who are actually doing the act. To those who say he should just look away, I say if you don't like what he says, turn a deaf ear. Quit your whining.

So…folks…..cover up. Put on some clothes. Your body isn’t that attractive. Yes, you have a baby and I am thrilled that you were able to procreate, but you don’t have to bring all your bosoms with attached offspring into the supermarket. Breast feed at home, and if it is inconvenient…then stay home and be inconvenienced. It comes with being a parent. And if this commentary offends you, or any other feminist or politically correct whacko….that is too damn bad!!!!!!!

There, I feel better now!

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