Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Lynching Herman Cain

My first choice for the Republican presidential nominee is Newt Gingrich. My second is Chris Christie. And my third is…was…Herman Cain. Do you want to know why we don’t have better candidates running for office? Look at what they did to Cain. A rabid, liberal press, fearful of a black conservative presidential candidate, vilified a fine man on the word of some floozy bimbos not even alleging sexual misconduct…just that maybe he made some advances if that.

The credibility of these women was zero. They either had overt ties to the Democratic Party, or were in such terrible financial condition it was obvious they were looking to cash in on either money or their fifteen minutes of fame. Wolfe Blitzer media types, eyes bulging as their tongues wagged, jabbered on and on and on and on, never questioning anything these women said.  This was the same press that looked the other way on John Edwards, Bill Clinton, and the Kennedy brothers…especially Ted.

Here is the liberal segment of our society, the supposed champion of the downtrodden and racially oppressed, leading the charge for a public lynching of a black candidate because he didn’t fit the mold. They pulled the worst kind of racism out of their collective hats…black men having sex with white women. The Dems and their media supplicants called out the dogs to keep the uppity black man on the plantation until he learned his place. Shame on them!!! It is disgusting and vile. What have we come to in this nation?

I think we all can agree Herman Cain was not the best choice for a Republican presidential candidate. Although a shrewd businessman, he lacked governmental experience and political savvy. I don’t think even he believed the press could be guilty of such contemptible conduct, and was unprepared for the frontal assault. Now he has withdrawn to try to heal the wounds and repair damage to his marriage based on innuendo…and not much innuendo at that.

Even if just half of the accusations were true, they wouldn’t rise to the standard of sexual tolerance of public officials established by Bill Clinton: oral sex in the oval office with a twenty year old intern…then lying about it under oath parsing words. Let’s not forget all of his other indiscretions, one of which approached if not crossed the line of rape. Of course, for Bill Clinton, it was the women who were the evil ones. Not him.  The press still treats it as a joke.

What happened to Herman Cain is the true racism that exists in America. It is racism in its worse form perpetrated by those who claim to be enlightened. Whether it is Herman Cain or Clarence Thomas, raising up the myth of black sexual prowess in order to defeat an African American with whom the liberals disagree is wrong.

Like I said, you wonder why we can’t get good people to run for office.

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