The war on Christmas took a particularly ugly and highly visible turn last week when Jon Stewart did “comedic” commentary re: Bill O’Reilly and other Fox News figures’ criticism of Rhode Island’s Governor Chafee who called the statehouse Christmas Tree a Holiday Tree. Stewart quipped that calling it a Holiday Tree is “not akin to wiping your ass with the Shroud of Turin.”
For those of you not familiar with the Shroud of Turin, it is a relic believed by many Roman Catholics to be the burial cloth of Jesus Christ. On the shroud is an imprint of a man who was crucified bearing all of the wounds described in Jesus’ crucifixion. Even more interesting is that while image is only faintly visible on the cloth, it is actually a photographic negative.
Experts are divided as the authenticity of the shroud. Carbon dating puts the origins of the cloth back in the middle ages thus making it impossible to be the burial shroud of Christ, but the carbon dating was done on a small sample, and the cloth had been almost destroyed in a fire during the middle ages. Scientists now feel that the carbon dating may have been skewed with carbon residue on the cloth from the fire. The cloth itself seems to be authentic to the time of Christ. Some scientists have claimed to have duplicated how the image on the shroud was created…but those claims have been unverified. The Catholic Church has taken a neutral stance on the shroud, but millions of Catholics and other faithful believe the image was created on the shroud at the moment of Christ’s resurrection.
To many, apparently Jon Stewart among them, the shroud is a fiction. But most matters of faith aren’t provable. That’s why it’s called faith. Is the shroud any more of a fiction than the Dome of the Rock where Mohammed mounted his horse, leaving his foot print in the rock, as he began his ascent to heaven?
So while Muslims attack and kill Christians throughout the Mideast, and fly planes into our buildings, and issue death sentences to those who bring Bibles into Saudi Arabia…Jon Stewart worries about Fox News complaining that Governor Chafee called a Christmas Tree a Holiday Tree.
The hypocrisy of the left is unending. Those who preach tolerance are the most intolerant of all. I can guarantee you that Jon Stewart would never use similar phraseology when commenting on Islamic issues. God forbid you print a picture of Mohammed and death edicts are issued by Muslim clergy while people riot in the streets for weeks.
Even more disturbing is that there is no outrage anywhere outside of the blogosphere about Mr. Stewart’s comments. The hate of Christianity from the left has become so prevalent in our society even vile comments like this are greeted with a “what’s new” shrug of the shoulders.
To be honest, I don’t know what can be done. I don’t watch so called liberal gurus like Jon Stewart and the hate mongers on the View. I stopped watching Bill Maher on HBO when he began to call President Bush a douche bag...over and over and over again. These folks claim to be comedians to shelter their vile and hateful comments. But at the end of the day, they expose themselves for what they are: vile and hateful human beings who reveal the true face of American liberalism. Shame on Jon Stewart.
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