Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tax Tax the Christmas Trees

T’was the nite before Christmas and through the White House,
the tax planners were planning our spirit to douse.
Obamama in his kerchief was sending a fax:
"I spent us to broke. We need a new tax."
What new ways to find government coffers to please!
A brand new tax on Christmas trees.

You just can’t make this stuff up. In one of the most politically boneheaded moves I have ever seen by any administration in my lifetime, the Obama administration decided two weeks before Thanksgiving that it should tax Christmas. Can you believe it? These numb skulls actually decided to impose a 15 cent tax Christmas trees.

When I read the story for the first time on Drudge, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Obama’s administration has a reputation for being tone deaf, but taxing Christmas trees? Really? What were they thinking?

The actual story is somewhat less titillating, but disturbing none the less. A group of large Christmas tree growers decided it wanted the US Department of Agriculture to run a public relations program ala "got milk?"promoting the purchase of live Christmas trees. It lobbied the USDA to do so, and this past week the USDA decided to go along and fund this through a 15 cent per tree tax. Of course, not all tree growers wanted this. Small growers were downright opposed to it. But as in all things Obama, pick the winners and to hell with the losers. So the USDA forged ahead right into a public relations nightmare.  They could have at least waited until January to announce it for next year...like on New Year's Day when everybody was hung over.

The Obama administration retreated within forty eight hours, and put the tax on “hold” as the story began to grow legs. From the time this type of story appears on the Drudge Report to when it makes the mainstream news is usually 3 – 5 days, and this one was on the cusp. The White House issued a statement stating that this was all just a big misunderstanding…a basic Roseanne Rosanadana “nevermind” moment.  The story has since died an inglorious death it didn’t deserve and Obama and crew can now sleep at night with visions of taxed sugar plums dancing in their heads.

The tax on Christmas trees is absolutely indicative of how the Obama administration works, geared for the propagation of government programs and taxes to feed the beast. The public is secondary. Good sense is secondary. Of course there would be a tax on Christmas trees. Why not if the do-gooders can do some more of the good that the do-gooders do at your expense?

But stop and think…if they are willing to tax Christmas trees going into an election year, just imagine what they will tax after the election if he wins! But then again, they will probably say they aren’t taxing Christmas trees. They are taxing Holiday trees. Nothing like a dose of political correctness to go with your new Obama tax!!

Joyeux Noel!!!!!

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