Sunday, September 18, 2011

They Went Hiking Where?

From time to time I have to vent about people who do stupid things. So these three “it’s all about me” types decide they want to go hiking on the Iraqi/Iranian border two years ago. How stupid is that? They stray over the Iranian border and get arrested. Who'd of thought that would happen?

The girl of the bunch got released for “medical” reasons on $500,000.00 bond. She flies back to the States and leaves her fiancé and buddy in an Iranian prison. They are put on trial…and sentenced to eight years in prison for spying. But wait….there is still hope. As I write this, the whole world is waiting to see if the Iranian government will suspend the sentences in return for payment of a million dollars. Supposedly the plane is standing by at Tehran’s airport to whisk these twenty something gems home to America, after the judge gets back from vacation.  Maybe he went hiking in Yellowstone!!

So here’s the deal. Assuming they are released, who has paid the 1 ½ million dollars paid to get these idiots out of Iran? You know what? Let them rot. If they wanted to go hiking, we have some lovely hiking trails right here in Mill Creek Park. The most you have to worry about here is getting mugged if you are out after dark.

What are we doing? Who are these people who go off to be fulfilled only to get in trouble and have to be bailed out somebody else’s expense? Here are some rules. Don’t go mountain climbing if there is going to be a snow storm or an avalanche. Don’t go vacationing in a war zone. Don’t go deep sea diving in shark infested waters. Don’t go hiking where the bears are. Use your brains for once. You go looking for trouble, you are going to find it!!!  And it's time people stopped bailing these Bozo's out.

Then there’s that babe who is stuck in an Italian prison. She supposedly killed one of her lovers. This chick is portrayed as the Virgin Mary on television suffering at the behest of some pimped out Italian prosecutor. She is no Virgin Mary. She goes to Italy to go to school, but ends up on the party circuit doing God knows what while high on God knows what…you get the picture. Then this guy is found stabbed to death in her apartment. Her and her boyfriend are arrested. She blames some black dude. That turns out to be bogus. The press forgets about the boyfriend, but rapidly decides this little darling is not guilty of anything, which may or may not be the case. 

Enough!!! The folks who find themselves in these situations know exactly what they are doing and the dangers involved. Aruba should be off limits. It’s too bad about Natalie Holloway. On the other hand, what is she doing going off with some foreign guy at one in the morning. And where were her parents…and where was the school? You mean they couldn’t find anyplace else within the borders of the United States to go on a school trip? Noooo!!! They choose a party central island to send these girls…complete with booze, drugs and gambling…when some of these little princesses were just 17. What were they thinking? The pres or anybody else has yet to question the so called chaperones on the trip. What were they doing?  Pardon me if I don’t cry too much.

Then there’s 50 something bimbo who goes to Aruba with some guy she meets on the internet. He turns out to be an abusive whacko who bought all sorts of insurance on this lady’s life before they left the airport. On top of it, she was supposedly engaged to somebody else. Next thing we know, she is dead in the water…literally…as he male friend climbs out of the ocean and onto the beach and immediately call the insurance company to tell them she was swept out to see. It would be funny if it weren’t so sad. But you know what? It’s not too sad. It IS funny. What was she thinking? She can’t find enough horny guys to jump into bed with here in the states…she has to go to Aruba???

It’s time the press stopped giving some of these whack jobs so much air time. It’s time the press started asking these folks what kind of responsible people would do these things. Sound cruel? What is cruel is somehow glamorizing this type of behavior, putting others at risk who might be dumb enough to try some of these stunts themselves.

As for those Iranian hikers, they may be out of jail by the time you read this. Stick them and their idiot families with bill for bailing them out.

I feel better now.

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