Monday, September 26, 2011

Here Comes Herman

Take off your slippers and put on your marchin’ shoes…here come Herman. Wait a minute. That’s Obama. Never mind about the footwear…but here comes Herman nonetheless. Herman Cain, the Republican answer to Hope and Change, the anti-Obama, a car in every garage and a pizza in every pot, has hit a homerun in Florida winning the straw poll with more votes than Perry and Romney combined.

I am thrilled. I got a tingle going up and down my leg. Here is a guy that can finally relate to people. Here is a businessman that understands retail politics. Here is someone with a definitive yet simple plan for turning around our economy…and actually knows how to make money. I don’t care whether you sell pizza or airplanes. At the end of the day, business is business. You make 1% on every sale. You know, buy it for $1.00 and sell it for $2.00…1%.

In all seriousness, Herman Cain is number 2 on my presidential hopeful list. He has that certain charisma combined with a can-do attitude that is appealing to people. Like Ronald Reagan, he talks in simple terms. He puts out simple solutions to what he perceives to be, at the end of the day, simple problems. The press, both from the right and left, scorn him.  Conservative pundit Bill Kristol said the Florida straw poll victory was a fluke. Rather than a vote for Cain, it was a vote against Romney and Perry. Left leaningSaturday Night Live has already started on him. They did a parody of the last debate making him sound like Steppin’ Fetchit.

What they are missing is here’s a guy that understands people. While Romney and Perry are hobnobbing with political bigwigs, Cain is on a bus meeting the people in Florida. He is telling them things will be alright. He has put forth a plan he calls the 9-9-9 plan in which the tax code is completely overhauled. Corporate tax rates go to 9%. Individual tax rates are 9%, and there is a national sales tax of 9%. That way, everybody pays their fair share to quote Barack Obama. It is simple. It will bring huge amounts of revenue because finally, everybody is paying something with no special deals for a few. Even the drug kingpins pay under this plan when they go to buy one of those fancy cars and the bling.

Do I have reservations about Cain? Of course I do. He has had NO government experience. But then again, there are those who think that’s a good thing. I am also concerned about his foreign policy experience. He doesn’t have any. On the other hand, neither did George W. Bush. That’s why he had a Dick Cheney.

I don’t really think Cain can win the nomination, but stranger things have happened. His message is resonating with the public. A more likely scenario is that with his showing in Florida, the former CEO of Godfather Pizza probably secured the VP slot on the ticket. I don’t anyone that doesn’t like Herman Cain.

Now if we can only find someone for the top of the ticket. Chris Christie…where are you?

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