Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Where is the Apology for George Bush?

President Obama is going to Ground Zero on Friday for a ceremony remembering the victims of 9/11. He has asked President Bush to join him. Bush declined stating that he wishes to remain outside of the public eye in his post presidency. Good for him.

The loony left should be ashamed of themselves. For the last four years of Bush’s presidency, they did everything but crucify him as a torturer, a dictator, and thug. They superimposed the likeness of Adolph Hitler over his face. They threw urine on anyone who supported him. In Congress, demagoguery was raised to an art form as Bush was portrayed as the Grand Inquisitor of the Inquisition. Shame on Guantanamo, that horrible hell hole of prison where these poor, innocent terrorists were thrown to rot!

Then Obama got elected, and his Attorney General promptly started investigations of the lawyers who gave the legal opinions related to enhanced interrogation techniques. They toyed with idea of criminal charges against Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. He tried to close Guantanamo. His Attorney General moved a terrorist trial to the United States out of a military court and promptly go his ass kicked….the terrorist innocent on all counts except one. And all of those nicey-nice folks in Guantanamo…went right back to terrorism when released. And now Guantanamo is still open. And now the trials will now be military.

And now Obama can bask in the light of killing Usama Bin Laden, by virtue of an intelligence network set up by Bush; by information obtained by the enhanced interrogation techniques; and use of the armed forces he roundly criticized and voted against when in the Senate. Bush was a class act all the way, and still is. I would have told Obama to shove it sideways.

There is no question Barack Obama made a gutsy call to do what he did. I honestly didn’t think he had it in him. It has actually been kind of fun to watch all of his cronies stumble around with a success rooted in all the things they believed to be the devil incarnate. This is a president who wanted to Mirandize prisoners taken on a battle field!!!!!!

Maybe they have learned something. Bush and Cheney weren’t the enemy…it was those horrible, horrible animals pretending to be human who indiscriminately took away the lives of women and children and innocents all over the world. There are no rules when dealing with evil. You kill it…and that is what Obama did.

Now where is the apology to Bush and the members of his administration? Where do they go to get their reputation back?

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