Friday, April 22, 2011

Trump: Framing the Debate for 2012

Whether you agree with a Trump presidential candidacy or not, he is striking all the right notes. He is skillfully articulating the framework for the 2012 Presidential debate by pushing the Republican Party into addressing issues it should have been addressing beginning with Bush I. He is finally spelling out what America innately feels. We are thinking our country to death. Common sense is like an essential vitamin for the collective American body. Lose it, and we die.

First and foremost, he has legitimized the birth certificate issue. We all have to produce birth certificates at some time or another. Try going to Canada lately? You need a passport, and a birth certificate to get one. If this topic is so ridiculous, why doesn’t Obama just produce it? It is no big deal to do; and then they can show those of us with suspicious minds how stupid we are. Not gonna happen!

Trump has finally said what I have been writing about for years. We have been had by the Chinese. China is an economic predator which makes late 20th Century Japan look like a babe in the woods. In an economy based solely on producing cheap exports with slave labor, it has drained the world of capital. It is time to say enough.

Trump has finally said if America goes to war, it should go to war to win. If a country benefits from our largesse and protection, they should pay. The first Iraq War was fought not to free Kuwait, but to save Saudi Arabia…and they stuck it to us….over and over again. We are in Libya…take the oil. We paid to liberate Iraq…they owe the cost of the war in oil. Canada can offer all its wonderful social services because it maintains only a minimal army, relying on the United States to defend it. How about kicking some energy back down to us to pay for their protection? Enough of this garbage.

Trump has finally said the obvious. OPEC, which does business and maintains funds in the United States, violates our anti-trust laws. It’s time to get the American court system involved to tell them they are violating our laws. You want to do business here? Here are the rules.

Trump wants to know how come the Obama Carbonistas have smothered oil well drilling anywhere in the United States, butr has sanctioned America funding through the World Bank for drilling off the coast of Brazil and Columbia. Can you spell George Soros? You know the guy who hates capitalism and funds every left wing whackadoodle in the country? Guess who is drilling those wells!!

Trump wants to know why Obama, who claims to want to spread the wealth around, chums it up with Jeffrey Imelt, the chairman of General Electric. That is the same GE that paid no taxes in the United States last year. Makes you wonder…Mmmmm?

And Trump wants to know why the Fed is devaluing the currency, and understands the direct relationship between interest rates and the price of oil. He also understands that increased energy and food prices are the worst kind of a regressive tax borne primarily by the poor.

Trump is once again articulating American exceptionalism, and the greatness of our country in its ability to provide an expanding economy to benefit all, if only the government would get out of the way.

Trump may or may not have what it takes to win a Presidential election. And he may have enough baggage trailing behind him to sink the Titanic. But his candor, and common sense presentation of issues is refreshing, and reminds me of Ronald Reagan. You might not like him, but he shouldn’t be dismissed!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When you look at the numerous problems facing this country, I like Trump. You see what he is attempting to do and agree with all of it.
Good article.