Saturday, April 9, 2011

Donald Trump: Birther Issue Ascendant!!!

As in all things Obama, the press has done an outstanding job in characterizing anyone who raises any issues about him or his presidency as somehow being either delusional or just plain nuts. They have especially done this with the so-called “birthers” who question whether or not Barack Obama was born in the United States. That is a simple question that Obama and his media groupies, claiming some sort of moral high ground, have refused to answer.

Clear and simple, his campaign was asked to produce a birth certificate when he was running for election, and on a regular basis since. He has refused to produce one. What they have produced is something called a Certificate of Live Birth. This was a mechanism used in Hawaii where anyone can walk into the Bureau of Statistics and say that someone was born, and it would be published in the newspaper. But almost 99% of all Hawaiian births were done in hospitals with deliveries by doctors and nurses, with a regular birth certificate filled in and signed by a doctor. Obama cannot produce one, and neither can anyone else. Nor are they willing to give an explanation as to why...other than you are nuts to ask.

The current Democratic Governor of Hawaii decided to put an end to all of this, and locate the birth certificate by researching the information as to the hospital(s) in which Obama was supposedly born. After substantial effort, he openly stated that no such records exist, and has remained quiet on the issue since.

Now Donald Trump has resurrected the issue again in his campaign for the Republican nomination for the presidency. The usual left wing media types have ridiculed his efforts as he has unleashed his considerable wealth to find out the truth about Obama’s place of birth. That being said, the din of media criticism this time around seems to have been turned down. Trump is no fool. He is media savvy. He is the quintessential businessman. He doesn’t chase pipe dreams or waste money. He has been loud and vocal about his efforts, and once again asked the President of the United States to please produce his birth certificate.

I think the truth will win out in the matter one way or the other. Trump will get to the heart of the matter, and I suspect the press knows the truth already and is ratcheting down the volume of criticism deliberately. Nobody wants to look like a fool if the truth lands on the side of those whacko birthers.

I never paid a whole lot of attention to the issue until the Governor of Hawaii didn’t like what he was discovering and then stopped talking. My overly thick eyebrows were raised!!

Here is what nobody knows: 1) The family apparently can’t agree at which hospital he was born. 2) No one has access to information as to when he got a social security number. 3) His family traveled to Indonesia when it was illegal for Americans to go there…what passport did he use to get into the country? 4) Why did his Kenyan grandmother say she watched his birth in Kenya? Does she have any reason to lie? 5) We know that his mother’s parents lived in Hawaii, and that was the address used on this birth registry most likely recorded by his grandmother. Where did his mother live in Hawaii?

At the end of the day, notwithstanding the ridicule of the left wing Obama aficionados, he was either born in a Hawaiian hospital or he wasn’t. If he was born in a Hawaiian hospital as he claims, there would be a birth certificate. There is NO record anywhere of that happening.

Logic, as ugly or as whacked as it sounds, can lead you to only one conclusion. And as Donald Trump said this past week, it would be the biggest scam in American history. It would also force the nullification of some of the most wrenching legislation passed since the end of World War II. It is a serious matter, and one that deserves serious attention.

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