Saturday, December 11, 2010

Will the Real President of the United States Please Stand Up!!

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It’s President Obama. No…wait!! It’s President Clinton. No…it’s President Obama. Will the real President of the United States please stand up?

I came home early from work yesterday and turned on the television. What to my wandering eyes did appear but a news conference featuring Barack Obama and Bill Clinton trying to do a hard sell job to the hard Democratic left wing whack-a-doodles on why they should approve the Obama deal with Republicans extending the Bush tax cuts another two years.

I thought how nice. I am a believer that ex-presidents should serve some function in their post presidential lives. After all, we pay them beaucoup bucks. First Obama talked. Then Clinton talked. Such kum bah yah moments are few and far between. But then…in a twinkling…Obama said Michelle has been waiting for a half hour and he had to go. He basically told Bill Clinton to stay and handle it. Off Barry goes to a Christmas party, leaving the former President to stave off those wishing to derail legislation preventing the most massive tax hike in American history.

Watching the news this morning, I am still trying to process this picture. There was Bill Clinton standing in front of the Presidential Seal doing what Barack Obama should be doing. I understand that nobody can do a snow…I mean sales…job like Bill Clinton. But Barry, you are the President. You are the Commander in Chief, not the partier in chief.

This only goes to confirm what I heard a White House insider say a few weeks ago. He said Barack Obama is a slacker, who really dislikes the mundane workings of government preferring a game of basketball or watching ESPN. He takes delegating to a new level, believing he is too intellectually superior to have to deal with the boring tasks of governing. He would rather pontificate grand ideas while letting the minions, including a former president, do the scut work.

Now we know why Obama was so angry about at his angry news conference last week. He actually had to do something presidential. He can’t delegate to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid when they are the object of his ire. So he found someone else…Bill Clinton. More troubling is that this isn't the first time. Everytime the going gets tough, the tough get going; except it is never Obama. It is always Clinton. This is getting to be a bad, and somewhat disturbing, habit. People talked about the lack of experience of Sarah Palin. Obama had even less when he was elected, and it is beginning show big time.

Talk radio will debate this debacle for the next few weeks. But at the end of the day, it makes Barack Obama look weak. He’s partying while Clinton is taking care of business. It’s going to be a long two years until the 2012 election. By the way, my wife made a comment while watching the news reports. Where is Hillary in all of this? Mmmmmm? Just sayin'!!!

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